Aces Weekly back with Scarpa, Baskerville, Langridge and – Psycho Granny!

Volume Six of this revolutionary digital comic Aces Weekly begins its latest seven-issue, seven-week this week, once again showcasing some of the brightest talent from across the globe in an exclusively digital weekly comic art magazine published by David Lloyd.

A page from War Painter by and © Laura Scarpa

A page from War Painter by and © Laura Scarpa

Offering great newcomers and industry greats the opportunity to connect directly with their readers to tell any story they want to tell, this latest volume features a new story from one of the finest Italian creators of comic art, Laura Scarpa, with War Painter. Based in Venice, Scarpa was the founder of magazines such as Scuola di Fumetto, and has adpated Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders into comics. He founded, the first school of Italian comics online, and in 2012 created the Cultural Association ComicOut, a non-profit organization, whose purpose is the promotion, dissemination and the best knowledge of the comic, as autonomous language and as art.

Also in the first issue of Volume 6: the true story of one of aviation’s pioneers, from Chris Geary, with Bleriot; the much-awaited return of Benjamin Dickson, Gavin Mitchell and Miroslav Mrva’s, Santa Claus Versus The Nazis; and from Brasil, the terrific work of Osmarco Valladão and Manoel Magalhães, with The Prodigal Son

Stephen Baskerville's Maledict

Stephen Baskerville’s Maledict

Stephen Baskerville is also back on your screens with Maledict and Roger Langridge returns with his master of detection The Fez

Plus: more from Steve Marchant, David Leach’s spine-chilling, Psycho Granny, and, also, with a bit of luck, the very much-missed, Combat Colin, will be back in action from Lew Stringer!

Seven weekly issues and up to 210 pages of great serials, short stories and extras in every volume for just one Great British Pound a week from!

Sold via the Aces Weekly website ( or via our wonderful one-volume sketchcards at conventions and signings) and tailored to fit perfectly on iPad, Android, laptop or PC, and accessible whenever and wherever you’re connected.

Categories: Digital Comics, downthetubes Comics News, Featured News

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