ComicScene Announces upcoming Comic Creators Directory

How would you like to be in the new ComicScene Comic Creators Directory in 2020? It’s free for creators to do so from UK, Ireland, Europe, the United States, Australia and Canada.

ComicScene Magazine is produced in the UK and is distributed to UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada and the United States, with Issue 11 on sale now in all good newsagents, and available on subscription from GetMyComics.

ComicScene Issue 11
Although ongoing, the first deadline for the Directory is 20th January.

The Directory will appear in each issue of ComicScene+, our free digital supplement, which will go to subscribers of ComicScene and will appear on our website once complete.

For the Directory ComicScene require the following information in the format below – and you can provide an illustration if you wish (please follow the text format below and send them low and hi res jpeg for your illustration).

ComicScene - Your Complete Guide to Comics GraphicComicScene+ has a publishers / creators section in which you can have 150 to 400 words plus an A4 image about current work you are doing (if interested ComicScene can provide deadline dates). Independent publishers can have up to two pages of free ads in ComicScene+ for your publication or crowdfunder (again, if interested they can provide deadline dates)

Publishers / Creators featured in the Directory can get 25 per cent off advertising in the main magazine if they wish.

“We are working with libraries and schools and will provide details to them if available for workshops,” say publisher Tony Foster. “You can give us an indication of charges but this will not appear in the Directory.

“We do consider former crowdfunded publications, creator owned or unpublished work for serialisation in ComicScene or future publications if interested or can include digital publications or preview samples as part of ComicScene+.”

This is a great idea to help support comic creators – if you are one, why not take advantage?

• Send your creator details via email, completing the details below where applicable for your entry


Preferred Contact Details:
Delete as appropriate Publisher/Writer/Artist/Letterer/Colourist:
Social Media:
Other (if any):
Publications and characters I have worked on:
Provide Prints: Yes/No
Sell original artwork: Yes/No
Available for Comic Conventions: Yes/No
Available for Comic Shop/Event signings: Yes/No
Available for Commissions: Yes/No
Available for Comic Workshops: Yes/No
If yes delete as appropriate 1hr / 2hr / half day / full day / 2-3 days / week workshops
Locations for workshops: Please let us know if anywhere or a specific area
Rough cost of workshops (you do not need to provide this info)
Half Day
Full Day
2-3 days
Details of content:

• Don’t forget you can subscribe to ComicScene UK in print or digital at or pick it up in stories throughout the U.K., Ireland, Australia, Canada and the United States (overseas locations see news stories)

Categories: Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Magazines

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