Created by Alan Henderson
“Dedicated to all the old toys we’ve loved, lost or forgotten.”
The Story: This comic is a series of short stories about the toys of our childhoods. We see long forgotten and once loved bears, dolls that stare out through button eyes, wind up robots and forever wrapped in cardboard and plastic action figures.
The Review: Right. Here’s the thing. I am a forty something year old bloke. I drink beer, swear occasionally and lark about a lot. But I dare you, whoever you are, not to tear up reading this book. Jesus, Alan, the bear, THE BEAR! I want to go find that fella and take him to work with me (the bear, not Alan).
This is a short but gorgeously painted book that is full of feeling. Pastel colours and quiet poignant storytelling that fills the air around the reader with sad joy (well you know what I mean).
This book got released at the recent Edinburgh Comic Convention and is available through Alan’s website (details below).
Grab yourself a copy you hard hearted bastards!
• You can find Alan at or on Twitter @Shadow1972
Many thanks for reading.
Antony Esmond is a comic reviewer and writer – his hips don’t lie.
Categories: British Comics, Features, Reviews
there are more details here
Alan H