Be ready for plenty of action!
Battling Britons
In Review: Battling Britons 6 – Planes, Trains and Giant Vampire Bats!
James Bacon checks out the latest issue of this battlin’ bookazine!
In Review: Battling Britons No. 5
The fifth issue of the comics zine Battling Britons is out now
A Cracking Day Out: latest Commando and Weekly Comic Swap Meet features “launch” of new issue of Battling Britons, and more
James Bacon headed to Wolstanton for the latest Commando and Weekly Comic Swap Meet
Battling Britons Issue Four, a Future War Special, out now
This latest edition is massive 160-page special, crammed with reviews and features.
Battling Britons Summer Special hits the beaches!
Another cracking-looking issue of Justin Marriott’s ace fanzine about war comics is out now
New “Battling Britons” out this weekend, “Paperbook Fantastic” available now
Two new publications – Paperbook Fantastic Two, now available on Amazon, and Battling Britons 3, available on Amazon on Sunday, feature splendid cover designs by Bill Cunningham, published by Justin Marriott
In Review: Battling Britons, Issue Two
Another terrific issue of this fantastic review and interview-focused Bookazine is available now
In Review: Battling Britons
Candid reviews of British war comics in a nifty, enjoyable, reference work