Ward & Parker’s “Merrick: The Sensational Elephant Man” nears Kickstarter goal


If you’re looking for a terrific “mature readers” comic to read for free, then check out Merrick: The Sensational Elephantman a comic by Tom Ward and Luke Parker. The first issue is available now for free via Issuu and elsewhere, and if you like what you see, why not give them some backing over on Kickstarter so they can publish the next three issues?

The comic stars Joseph Merrick: The Elephant Man as he “f**** up the occult”, in a Victorian tale of gin joints, black magic and carnival freaks. (Yes, we did tell you it was for mature readers).

It’s a great-looking  gas lamp tale set in 1880’s London which steps between historical facts and figures and turn of the century folklore juxtaposed with the American superhero comic conventions of super powers, masks, secret identities and fantastic adventures.

Merrick: The Elephant Man, is a comic book brought to you by Tom Ward, “just a regular guy who likes comic books, punk rock and DIY ethos” and Luke Parker, who specialises in strong detailed line work using pen and ink. Luke mixes paper textures and digital colour/techniques to create graphically striking images. They’re ably assisted in their endeavours by Nic J. Shaw (Nicholas Shaw), a freelance comic letterer, writer, and reviewer. And a very busy guy.

Merrick: The Sensational Elephantman! a comic by Ward & Parker, Issue #01 is now available for FREE download!

CBR = https://mega.co.nz/#!J94SFIhT!ogYwQR1WPFO9ocUrYhj0-hMrDeyJvqpCTCT8IvvD304

PDF =https://mega.co.nz/#!88YgxA7J!9IyKyHxwf6oiZileP8aro1ogX4y0N4z_unLHyEPy3_c

ISSUU = http://issuu.com/theelephantmancomic/docs/merrick-issue-1-digital

Suggested for mature readers.

• Joseph Merrick: The Elephant Man Kickstarter to fund the next three issues: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ourtom/merrick-the-sensational-elephantman


• More info on Facebook and follow them on Twitter: @MerrickComic

Categories: British Comics, Crowd Funding Projects

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