US Comics

Panini’s new Marvel graphic novel release fuels fan Avengers 4 movie rumours?

While Marvel fans are eagerly awaiting Avengers: Endgame and the conclusion of the Infinity War, Tim Robins notes thoughts are already turning to Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe – and Panini UK’s latest graphic novel release, the unwieldy-titled Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Avengers Rebooted, is feeding something of a growing frenzy about a potential new super villain who may soon be heading to the big screen

Warner asserts copyright over early Captain Marvel appearances

There are a number of comic sites online quite legally republishing digital versions of comics now considered to be in the public domain, based on extensive research and sourcing original copies. One of them is the Digital Comics Museum – run by a team clearly determined to honour contested ownership when companies like Warner Bros. recently asserted rights over early appearances by the original Captain Marvel, first published by Fawcett

Not a Hoax! Not an Imaginary Superhero Story! Meet… The Zebra!

When I caught a tweet from the Comics in the Golden Age Podcast about a US costumed hero called The Zebra, I had to admit I was a bit sceptical. Was this some bizarre April Fool’s Day prank to try to convince us a US comics publisher had finally jumped the shark when it came to silly superhero names and even crazier origin stories? But no – this wannabe 1940s Batman wannabe is quite legit, although he hasn’t had an adventure for decades…