Fraser Geesin’s comic satire, “Jeff ‘n’ Elon”, available in collection

Comic creator Fraser Geesin has just released a collected edition of his satirical strip Jeff ‘N’ Elon – and very funny it is, too.

Jeff ‘N’ Elon by Fraser Geesin - Cover (2024, Self Published)

In the strip, billionaires Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are both neighbours and bitter rivals. Their battle to make the world think they’re cool could ruin the universe and it’s not long before it seems they will do just that, as they try to outrace each other for an incredible prize on the Moon!

Jeff ‘N’ Elon is the first project to emerge from Fraser Geesin’s Patreon, which was launched in January of this year. Inspired by the early work of Barney Farmer (back when he was Barry M. Freeman), Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin, and the improvised mercurial madness of Ryan “God Hates Astronauts” Browne‘s Blast Furnace, Jeff ‘N’ Elon is a relentlessly ridiculous stream of surprises in a bent universe.

It’s a wonderful, barbed poke in the eye for certain very rich individuals and features a cast of weird and at times inexplicable guest stars, including Carl Sagan.

  • Jeff ‘N’ Elon by Fraser Geesin - Sample Panel (2024, Self Published)
  • Jeff ‘N’ Elon by Fraser Geesin - Sample Panel (2024, Self Published)
  • Jeff ‘N’ Elon by Fraser Geesin - Sample Panel (2024, Self Published)

Fraser Geesin – “one of the great unsung geniuses of comics”, according to writer and podcaster Andrew Hickey (A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs), and we’re minded to agree – is a comic book author and illustrator whose work has been published by VIZ, Big Finish, Humour Publications, Velocity Press and many more. 

“Having previously turned his hand to everything from Eddie Campbell-style autobiography to comics based around IKEA, here he has created a comic which perfectly sums up the ridiculousness of the techbro billionaires who have power over our lives,” Andrew enthuses. “Buy it. Buy so many copies that Fraser becomes as rich as his characters.”

• The physical edition of Fraser Geesin’s Jeff ‘n’ Elon is now available from

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Categories: British Comics, Comic Previews, Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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