One of British comics best colourists, John was the nephew of 2000AD artist John M. Burns, who died late last year. His credits spanning over 40 years in the industry
Stuart Bartlett
Looking back at Cosmic – Bauer Media’s rare attempt at creating a British comic
A publication that could have led to so much more?
A Bad Day for The Avengers in London… in 1993!
If you think Marvel’s The Avengers were in bad shape at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, you should have seen them at the end of the Lord Mayor’s Parade back in 1993! A chilly November winds cut through capes and skintights like lasers.
Creating Comics: An Interview with Real Ghostbusters artist John Marshall
Joe O’Brien recently tracked down elusive The Real Ghostbusters artist John Marshall (John Williams)
The day Zoe Ball visited Marvel UK, and other stories…
Rare pictures of Marvel UK’s Death’s Head II mask – and a visit to the offices by Zoe Ball recalled