Our second report on one of the best British comic events of the year
Henry Flint
Rebellion Releases: Judge Dredd’s powerful tale “A Better World”, bundled!
Thrills aplenty in this week’s 2000AD, and a great catch-up deal!
Rebellion Releases: Celebrating 47 years of Judge Dredd!
You do not want to miss this week’s 2000AD!
2000AD’s latest Judge Dredd adventure has fans astir
This week’s 2000AD, Prog 2368, with a “Thistlebone” cover from Simon Davis, continues Rob Williams and Arthur Wyatt’s much-talked about “Judge Dredd” story, “A Better World”. The adventure, born in part from a desire to push against the idea of… Read More ›
Comics Preview: Battle Action Volume Two, hitting stores in February
All-out Battle Action adventures are on their way!
Rebellion Releases: 2000AD, Judge Dredd Megazine, merge with … Battle, Action?
Comic mergers are a thing of the distant past in Britain… or are they?
Sneak Peek: Rebellion’s first Treasury of British Comics Annual arrives in November
The Leopard of Lime Street Vs. The Spider, Black Beth, Robot Archie and more
Top draw thrills! Latest 2000AD, Battle Action #3 out today
Thrills, spills, ghouls and all-out action heading your way, today!
What If… 2000AD had merged with Battle Action?
An upcoming issue of 2000AD revolves around the imaginary merger of two of Britain’s biggest comics
In Review and in Pictures: Lawless 2023
Richard Sheaf headed to Bristol for Lawless 2023, and very much enjoyed what he saw
In Review: Monster Fun #8
David X Brunt checks out the first monthly Monster Fun, on sale now in all good newsagents and comic shops
In Review: Two Comics in One! Hawk the Slayer’s return debuted with latest Judge Dredd Megazine
“Hawk the Slayer” returns in style in this month’s Judge Dredd Megazine
Hawk the Slayer returns – with Garth Ennis and Henry Flint at the helm
Hawk the Slayer is back, as a comic – with Garth Ennis at the helm!
Fundraiser live now for MIND, raising money in memory of comic creator Dave Evans
A special fundraiser in aid of MIND, in memory of a brilliant British independent comic creator
Judge for Yourself: Judge Dredd: End of Days, an extended preview to tempt the undecided, released, plus new Rebellion title checklist
Go on, go on, go on, you know you want to read it…