British comics Ephemera in the spotlight!
Tom Oldham
Dark & Golden Books releases new Chris Reynolds collection
Dark & Golden Books offer a new collection from a much-missed creative
Don’t miss your chance to win the Observer / Faber / Comica Graphic Short Story Prize!
There’s still time to create your comic to enter this year’s Observer / Faber / Comica Graphic Short Story Prize and win £1000 – and publication in The Observer New Review
1970s comic classic, Mek Memoirs, by Chris Lowder and Kevin O’Neill, re-issued
A fantastic comic zine that helped shape the look of 2000AD gets an issue from a new publisher
Safari Festival 2015 – An Old Bloke’s Review
The Safari Festival 2015 was billed as “a celebration of the new wave of alternative and art comics from the UK and beyond…. and for attendees to experience the best of the UK comics’ avant-garde”. Run by the team behind… Read More ›