Digital Comics

Including web comics and titles release for tablets.

Harrier Comics revival abandoned?

There was a uproar from several creators when downthetubes reported Canadian-based publisher CPEG had announced reprints of some of independent British publisher Harrier Comics 1980s titles back in 2017 – and it seems the project is now in limbo.

Digital anthology comic GOOF! to go on hiatus in June – but what a ride it’s been!

Digitally-distributed comics offer many opportunities for creators, not least of them a global audience, minimal distribution costs and the opportunity to creatively push the comic’s form in new ways impossible on paper. But with those opportunities come the problems of making your voice heard in an ocean full of competing talent, as artist Marc Jackson, publisher of the the subscription-based anthology GOOF! has discovered, and recounts here, as the project prepares to go on hiatus…

Warner asserts copyright over early Captain Marvel appearances

There are a number of comic sites online quite legally republishing digital versions of comics now considered to be in the public domain, based on extensive research and sourcing original copies. One of them is the Digital Comics Museum – run by a team clearly determined to honour contested ownership when companies like Warner Bros. recently asserted rights over early appearances by the original Captain Marvel, first published by Fawcett