Wintry woe for Judge Dredd this week!
Gordon Rennie
Rebellion Releases: Judge Dredd on the run in 2000AD, and “Lowborn High” hits book and comic shops
The latest gifts from Tharg, bringer of Thrills to a planet beset by brain-sapping mundanity!
Rebellion Releases: Aquila returns in 2000AD, Joe Pineapples – Tin Man collected
Aquila returns to the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic! Plus, don’t miss out on “Joe Pineapples – Tin Man”
What If… 2000AD had merged with Battle Action?
An upcoming issue of 2000AD revolves around the imaginary merger of two of Britain’s biggest comics
Jump on board 2000AD, with a humdinger of a prog
A perfectly scrotnig place to start reading 200AD, out now!
Mick McMahon delivers stand out Judge Dredd cover for upcoming 2000AD Prog 2250
Get ready to jump on board – there’s a special issue of 2000AD on the way soon!
Shako shakes things up in this week’s 2000AD!
Furious fur ball on the rampage!
Open Wide! Don’t miss out on taking in this week’s 2000AD…
Sink your teeth into the latest Prog!
Zarjaz! There’s a new 2000AD out in the wild…
Tharg’s rivet-bustingly busy droids have yet another zarjaz edition of 2000AD this week
An Unexpected Blast from the Past in this week’s 2000AD!
There’s action aplenty in this week’s 2000AD, which includes a surprise return for a Judge Dredd character we all thought was dead!
2000AD returns to Free Comic Book Day with Best of 2000AD #0
2000AD returns to Free Comic Book Day in 2020 in a blaze of glory – and with a thrilling taster for its brand new comic, Best of 2000 AD. Best of 2000 AD #0 is a 32-page FCBD bombshell featuring… Read More ›
Happy Dredd-mas, Punks! The 2000AD Xmas Mega-Special is out now
2000 AD Prog 2162 – the bumper, 100-page end-of-year issue of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic – is on sale now in all good UK comic shops, UK newsagents and via various digital platforms, and it’s a real festive treat. Plus,… Read More ›
Indigo Prime returns to 2000AD, Death Wish collection out in book shops today!
2000AD Prog 2139 crashed into your newsagents yesterday, with an all-new “Indigo Prime” tale debuting this issue – and officially on sale today in all good book shops is Death Wish, a collection from Rebellion of the strip created by… Read More ›
Out Today: 2000AD Prog 2138 (with Prog Rock References!)
I couldn’t help but smile reading the latest episode of this week’s “Judge Dredd” story in 2000AD Prog 2138, because nestling in the story from Kenneth Niemand is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it tip of the hat to one of the bands that… Read More ›
Out This Week: 2000AD Prog 2137
In 2000AD’s new thrill “Judge Anderson: Martyrs” launching this week, writer Emma Beeby (Mata Hari, Doctor Who) and artist Aneke (DC Comics Bombshells) give Mega-City One’s top telepath one of her toughest missions yet – to save her friend, the possessed Judge Karyn