A very special exhibition dedicated to a groundbreaking strip has just opened in Barcelona
Jim Lawrence
Friday Foster: The Sunday Strips out now in Spanish, English edition available in July
If you’re a newspaper strip fan, “Friday Foster: The Sunday Strips” is definitely a collection you need
Sneak Peek: Spanish language edition of “Friday Foster” Sundays collection launches in May
Dates for the release of both Spanish and English editions of this much-anticipated collection are now firmed up
In Memoriam: James Bond comic artist Yaroslav Horak
A master of newspaper comic strip action storytelling has passed
“Friday Foster” collection instigated by Javier Meson and David Moreu for Spanish publisher Norma Editorial
Following up on yesterday’s downthetubes post revealing Portland-based Ablaze Publishing is to release a collection of the ground-breaking 1970s US Sunday newspaper strip Friday Foster, co-created by James Bond newspaper strip writer Jim Lawrence and Spanish artist Jorge Longarón, with art also by Gray Morrow, comes the information that Barcelona-based Norma Editorial will be the first to publish the collection, in Spanish.
Friday Foster, first nationally syndicated comic strip across the US with a black female lead character, collected at last
There’s terrific news for fans of the stunning 1970s US newspaper strip, Friday Foster, this week. 50 years since it debuted, an English language collection of the is on its way from Ablaze Publishing, edited by Christopher Marlon
In Memoriam: Comic Artist Jordi Longarón, co-creator of “Friday Foster”
Jordi Longarón was co-creator of the ground-breaking newspaper strip, “Friday Foster”
Discovered: Black Women in Sequence, Uncut Funk and the world of Friday Foster
An email about a new book, Black Women in Sequence: Re-inking Comics, Graphic Novels, and Anime by Deborah Elizabeth Whaley took me on quite a journey of discovery this morning, leading me to the latest dates of a Funk-inspired animation… Read More ›
British Comic Shop Comic Releases (19th November 2014) – Love and War and Fables, Too!
Here’s a list of comics – both US and UK releases – on sale in specialist UK comic shops tomorrow, Wednesday 19th November 2014, courtesy of First Age Comics, Lancaster. We’ve picked out the titles published by British publishers in bold below,… Read More ›