The restructured Opus Comics is back in action, operating from the UK
John Reppion
Creating Comics: John Reppion talks “Storm Warning”
Matt Badham chats with John Reppion about his latest tale for Judge Dredd Megazine
Creating Comics: An Interview with writer John Reppion and artist MD Penman
Matt Badham catches up with the team behind the superb ” Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, which is being re-issued in time for Thought Bubble
New SKRAWL anthology smashes Kickstarter target in under 24 hours
Check out this stunning-looking new independent comics anthology!
Rebellion seeks Junior Graphic Novel Editor as second 2000AD Regened Prog released for 2020
Check out the full job specification from 2000AD’s publisher
David Baillie, Conor Boyle and other British creators feature in upcoming Heavy Metal Magazine
Heavy Metal Magazine 299, the Mythic Worlds special, on sale now in all good comic shops in May, features a number of British comic creators
In Review: 2000AD Prog 2170 “Regened”
Peter Duncan offers his views on this week’s 2000AD, Prog 2170, a follow-up to last year’s Regened Prog, all-ages issue, and the first of four planned for 2020
Albion: Looking back at Wildstorm’s “British Invasion”
As Rebellion rolls out more classic comic collections and gears up for the second Vigilant special from Simon Furman and Simon Coleby, Luke Williams looks back at earlier revivals of some British comic characters… Rebellion are receiving plaudits for reviving… Read More ›
In Review: 2000AD – Regened!
Joe Gordon reviews the latest 2000 AD, a special issue of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic offering an all-ages take on the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic. Does it deliver?
New 2000AD, Judge Dredd Megazine on sale now, plus news of first “Art of” book from Rebellion
2000AD Prog 2114 and Judge Dredd Megazine Issue 404, accompanied by the free, stunning first part of Battle Presents: Operation Overlord, are both on sale now in all good newsagents and comic shops across the UK, and across various digital… Read More ›
Let’s show writers Leah Moore and John Reppion some comics community support
Leah Moore and John Reppion are two talented and, usually, hard working British comic book writers, perhaps best known for their work on 2000AD, their Sherlock Holmes titles for Dynamite Entertainment and Damsels – but right now, they could do… Read More ›
Leah Moore and John Reppion back on the case with Sherlock Holmes: The Vanishing Man
Nine years after Leah Moore and John Reppion‘s first Sherlock Holmes series arrived on comic shop shelves, the dynamic writing duo are back at US publisher Dynamite Entertainment, writing a brand new mystery –Sherlock Holmes: The Vanishing Man. Dynamite continue… Read More ›
Comic creators, a bar – and a Music Festival in Liverpool? Sounds like a great combination!
Ace Liverpool-based comic creators Tom Ward (writer and creator of MERRICK: The Sensational Elephant Man, co-creator of Doc Dino) and Chris Welsh (creator of Wart and the horror anthology The Grime) are running a little tester comic event out of a bar at… Read More ›
Beyond 2000AD Celebration Signings Continue This Weekend across the UK
2000AD continues to celebrate its 40th anniversary this weekend with a number of special signings by some of its top talents this weekend in Birmingham, Edinburgh and Manchester – and these are just the first of many through the year. All… Read More ›
Lakes Festival Creator Signings Announced
Here’s a list of special signings by comic creators at this year’s Lakes International Comic Art Festival over the weekend (14th – 16th October 2016). If a creator isn’t listed here, they will only be signing for a limited time… Read More ›