
Spider-Man: Agent of SHIELD

The latest issue of Panini UK’s Spectacular Spider-Man, #162, brings Peter Parker’s search for information on his parents to Edinburgh. In Local Hero, writer Ferg Handley and penciller Andie Tong have Spidey swinging through the Edinburgh skyline trying to find… Read More ›

Spider-Man rules the world

It might have had mixed reviews (“Fun factor nil”, sniffs The Guardian), but after a record-breaking US opening, Spider-Man 3 has now demolished the international box office record with nearly £114 million at 16,700 playdates in 105 countries in six… Read More ›

Spider-Man Muscial Madness

Okay, I think we’re probably reaching Spider-Man saturation point here because after several rumours Marvel released a statement yesterday confirming that Spider-Man is indeed headed to Broadway … as a musical no less. Hot on the heels of the release… Read More ›