
New UK Spider-Man Comic?

Is Panini about to launch a new Spider-Man comic? As every self-respecting comics fan knows, the company currently publishes several comics for the UK market based on the US Marvel titles, including the hugely successful The Astonishing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man… Read More ›

Spider-Man Sneek Peek

Courtesy of artist John Royle, here’s a sneek peek to the cover of Panini UK’s upcoming Spectacular Spider-Man Issue 180, on sale in February. The issue sees Spidey up against Kraven the Hunter, side by side with Spider-Woman.

Spider-Man: Agent of SHIELD

The latest issue of Panini UK’s Spectacular Spider-Man, #162, brings Peter Parker’s search for information on his parents to Edinburgh. In Local Hero, writer Ferg Handley and penciller Andie Tong have Spidey swinging through the Edinburgh skyline trying to find… Read More ›