“The Out” comes to a conclusion in this week’s issue of 2000AD, Prog 2417, closing Book Four of the series – and the series’ artist, Mark Harrison, also provides this week’s cover. The end of Cyd’s latest adventure finds her making a major choice about her future. Get buckled in, because Book Five is going to be a big one!

Elsewhere, Battle Action #6 is out this week, as Johnny Red‘s greatest adversary steps back into the field of battle! And then – as downthetubes exclusively trailed thanks to Rebellion – we find Garth Ennis and original creator Mike Dorey teaming for an all-new story featuring Hellman, as he encounters something disturbing in the woods…
2000AD Prog 2417
UK and DIGITAL: 29 January £3.80
NORTH AMERICA: 5 March $24.99 (Prog Pack)
COVER: Mark Harrison
In this issue:
by Mike Carroll (Writer) Nicolo Assirelli (Artist) John Charles (Colourist) Annie Parkhouse (Letterer)
Mega-City One, 2147 AD. Home to over 250 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America, with the toxic Black Atlantic on one side and the irradiated wasteland the Cursed Earth to the west. Crime is rampant and only the Judges — empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law!

by Alec Worley (Writer) Simon Coleby (Artist) Gary Caldwell (Colourist) Annie Parkhouse (Letterer)
It is a time of legend. HAWK THE SLAYER defeated his evil brother Voltan some years before, and now he and his compatriots are keeping an eye on the malign spread of the Black Wizards’ influence. Rumours of dark magic abound, and armed with his fabled Mindsword, Hawk must keep the peace. Now he’s entered the city of Valensfort, ruled by the Lady Morlaine, who’s using necromancy to maintain order…

by John Tomlinson (Writer) Eoin Coveney (Artist) Jim Boswell (Colourist) Simon Bowland (Letterer)
In the near future, the job market is more perilous than ever and Generation Y must take on any task to make ends meet. Kroy Plemons was a rider for Devouroo — a food-delivery service for creatures of myth and legend. Devouroo policy is ruthless and Kroy has in the past barely escaped with his life after being given the night shift, when London’s most lethal denizens are hungry. Indeed, there’s unrest across the capital…

by Ian Edginton (Writer) Tiernen Trevallion (Artist) Jim Campbell (Letterer)
In 1980, the diary of German soldier Hans Schmitt was discovered in Berlin, detailing events that occurred in 1941, when he encountered the terrifying vampire Captain Constanta and his Romanian platoon. But Schmitt was not the first person to meet Constanta — the vampire has popped up throughout history, in various countries and under various guises, and now he’s in North America in the late nineteenth century…

by Dan Abnett (Writer) Mark Harrison (Artist) Simon Bowland (Letterer)
The furthest edge of the universe. Cyd Finlea was a photo-journalist working for the publishers Global Neographic, travelling deep into outer space — otherwise known as THE OUT — and cataloguing the alien societies that she encounters. She left Earth ten years ago and has been seeking other ex-pat humans — but now, having been finding work to give her life meaning, she’s discovered that her pal Cheerio is in fact alive…

• Available in print from: 2000AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond | Available in digital from: 2000AD webshop, 2000AD app for Apple & Android

Battle Action 6
UK and DIGITAL: 29 January £4.99
NORTH AMERICA: 5 March $7.99
COVER: Andy Clarke
In this issue:
by Garth Ennis (Writer) Keith Burns (Artist) Jason Wordie (Colourist) Rob Steen (Letterer)

by Garth Ennis (Writer) Mike Dorey (Artist) Rob Steen (Letterer)

• Available in print from: Treasury of British comics webshop, online retailers, book stores, and comic book stores via Diamond | Available in digital from: Treasury of British Comics webshop, 2000AD app for Apple & Android
• Check out our full “Hellman” preview here!
New Collections from Rebellion
Judge Dredd: A Better World
by Rob Williams, Arthur Wyatt (Writers), Henry Flint, Boo Cook, Jake Lynch (Artists)
Paperback – scheduled for 30th January 2025 | 144 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1837864218
• Judge Dredd: A Better World Hardback 2000AD Webshop Exclusive also available
A Better World is a modern Judge Dredd classic, a powerful story focusing on a large-scale experiment with the aim of making Mega-City One a better place for the citizens who live there, but if the experiment is successful them the power of the Judges could well be destroyed.
Writers Rob Williams and Arthur Wyatt, with artist Henry Flint, craft a taut political thriller that challenges readers to reassess what they think of the world of Judge Dredd.
Rob Williams is the writer of Suicide Squad and Martian Manhunter for DC Comics, Unfollow for Vertigo and Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor for Titan Comics. His previous work for 2000AD includes “Judge Dredd: Titan”, “The Grievous Journey Of Ichabod Azrael (And The Dead Left In His Wake)” and “The Ten-Seconders”, and has written Roy of the Rovers for Rebellion.
Arthur Wyatt is a British writer based in the American Pacific Northwest, where he lives with his wife Heather and children Gayle and Verity. He has written extensively for 2000AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine, including stories set in the Judge Dredd universe, the 2012 move Dredd universe, and beyond. He was also the founding editor of the British small press magazine FutureQuake.
Henry Flint, winner of the National Comics Awards for Best Comic Artist 2004, is one of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic’s rising superstars. Co-creator of “Sancho Panzer”, “Shakara”, and the fan-favourite strip, “Zombo”, his incredibly versatile pencils have also graced “A.B.C. Warriors”, “Judge Dredd/Aliens”, “Deadlock”, “Judge Dredd”, “Rogue Trooper”, “Nemesis the Warlock”, “The V.C.’s’ and “Venus Bluegenes”. He has even written a “Tharg’s Alien Invasions” strip! He has also worked on several American comics, including Omega Men, Haunted Tank and Fear Itself: Fearsome Four. Away from the comics industry, Henry produced art of the cover of DJ Food’s 2012 album, The Search Engine.
Boo Cook’s 2000AD debut came some years before he was to provide pencils for the comic proper – as a young man, he sent a fan sketch in to the letters page! Thankfully he continued to hone his art, working on a number of “Future Shocks” before landing a guest spot on the fan-favourite “A.B.C. Warriors” series. Cook’s facility with huge crowd scenes and alien designs has quickly established him as a talent to watch, and with three co-created series — “Asylum”, “Dead Men Walking”, “Harry Kipling (Deceased)” — under his belt, he is one of the Galaxy’s Greatest’s brightest hopes for the future.
Jake Lynch is a Norfolk based Illustrator, best known for his work on “Judge Dredd” and “Proteus Vex” for 2000AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine. He has also worked on other Rebellion publications such as Action and The Vigilant, as well as Film/TV, and poster design for others. A self-taught artist, he is living proof that they’ll let any idiot in here and, as a self-confessed Sci-Fi nerd, he is often the first to be asked to leave.
Essential Rogue Trooper: The Traitor General (Volume 2)
By Gerry Finley-Day and Gordon Rennie (Writers); Cam Kennedy, Colin Wilson and P.J. Holden (Art)
Paperback – scheduled for Wednesday 29th January 2025 | 208 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1837864379

The second volume in the Essential line featuring 2000AD’s legendary war machine, Rogue Trooper. Rogue Trooper, the last of the GIs, continues his hunt for the man responsible for the Quartz Zone Massacre, which cost the lives of his comrades. After narrowing his list of suspects to four high-ranking officers, Rogue travels to a downed satellite which serves as the hideout of the Marauders, a renegade force of deserters and space bandits. But the hunter becomes the hunted when Rogue falls into a trap set by the Marauders’ leader – the Traitor General himself!
• Check out our guide to 2000AD and Treasury of British Comics releases for 2025
• Roy of the Rovers – Rebellion Books Check List
• Check out our guide to 2000AD and Treasury of British Comics releases for 2024
• Check out our guide to 2000AD and Treasury of British Comics releases for 2023
• Check out our guide to 2000AD and Treasury of British Comics releases for 2022
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, Comic Previews, Comics, downthetubes Comics News