Looking back at a special charity comics project
Charity Comics
Free comic for patients of Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital unveiled by Liverpool Heartbeat team
Charity Liverpool Heartbeat has revealed a new comic for young hospital patients
Crowdfunding Spotlight: BOLT-01: A Tribute To Dave Evans
Can you help honour a British independent comics legend?
Food for Thought: a classic British Charity Comic that now commands a high collector price
Back in the 1980s, before the dawn of the internet, the British comics community celebrated the form in print. It was a vibrant scene, encompassing not only zines about comics such as Arkensword, Fantasy Advertiser and Speakeasy but fiction-based titles… Read More ›
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Little Heroes Comics Charity Anthology #2
Little Heroes Comics is a UK based charity that sends comic making kits to children who find themselves in hospitals and healthcare institutes across the country. Right now, they’re raising funds for their second anthology over on Kickstarter. Following up on… Read More ›
Troops to get a boost from King Kong and Friends
This month Britain’s Comic Book Alliance will be joining with the ‘Support Our Soldiers‘ charity to send thousands of comic books and graphic novels to troops stationed around the world and many miles from home. The CBA spoke to troops… Read More ›
Foundry supports Haiti relief effort, comic creators wanted
London’s The Foundry is running an evening to raise money for earthquake victims in Haiti on 27th January – and comic creators are invited to get involved. The event is just part of a joint fund raising campaign by the… Read More ›
Comic Creators Ally against Human Trafficking
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”– Margaret Mead Monday, 11th January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the US. To participate, a… Read More ›