Free comic for patients of Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital unveiled by Liverpool Heartbeat team

Led by comics writer and editor Tim Quinn and publisher Robin Baynes MBE, the team behind the Liverpool Heartbeat comic project have just presented a new concept, Zowie!, to the management team at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

The team ultimately hope to extend the concept, offering free comics for young hospital patients to more organisations across the UK – and, perhaps, beyond.

Liverpool Heartbeat originator Robin Baynes and Tim Quinn present Zowie!, a brand new comic book to the management team at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. Picture courtesy of Tim Quinn and used with permission
Liverpool Heartbeat originator Robin Baynes and Tim Quinn present Zowie!, a brand new comic book to the management team at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. Picture courtesy of Tim Quinn and used with permission

Zowie! leads with a special Doctor Who-inspired cover and content celebrating 60 years of the long-running SF TV series, and features a fantastic cover by Tim Keable while, inside, comics material is provided by by Lew Stringer and others.

“The idea is that every child coming into the hospital will be given a free comic to take their mind away from all fears,” Tim says of the new comic, “and let their imagination fly across the universe.”

Merseyside children’s charity Liverpool Heartbeat was founded by Robin Baynes, who has created literacy projects for schools across the country, the organisation given Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award given to volunteer groups in the UK, last year.

“Staff and directors and management were bowled over by the brand new comic,” he reports. “Hospital management want to create a very special launch day for the comic in August, bringing in the BBC, ITV and all media from the city. It’s so great to work with people who put children first.

Former Marvel Comics editor Tim Quinn – writer, publisher and more – is the genius behind the FAB4000 project that he created with comic artist Russ Leach, inspired by Jayne Massey and her seeing eye dog Witney who feature in the stories.

Tim Quinn with a copy of Zowie!, a new comics project for patients of Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, which it's hoped will launch this August. Picture courtesy of Tim Quinn and used with permission
Tim Quinn with a copy of Zowie!, a new comics project for patients of Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, which it’s hoped will launch this August. Picture courtesy of Tim Quinn and used with permission

“The idea for the comic book came from my dear old Dad back in 1964,” Tim reveals. “He had the frightful task of taking me into hospital to get my tonsils ripped out. He knew I was anything but a brave little soldier. We had to get there for 9.00am for the operation at midday. That’s a long wait.

Fantastic Four #4, a youthful distraction for young hospital patient Tim Quinn, back in 1964
Fantastic Four #4, a youthful distraction for young hospital patient Tim Quinn, back in 1964

“As he sat by my bedside, Dad pulled out a copy of Fantastic Four issue #4 from his inside pocket. For the next hour or so, I was transported to New York City with Stan Lee’s finest. Dad knew me well. And so this new comic book is his idea and certainly in honour of him.

“Special thanks to Tim Keable for our fab cover, and Lew Stringer and the usual suspects for inside work. Heroes all.

“If all goes to plan we shall get the comic into other children’s hospitals around the country.

“Our ultimate intent is that the comic book will catch on with children’s hospitals across the globe,” Tim enthuses. “Shine on!”

The Liverpool Heartbeat web site features a number of previous comics they’ve published, some free to read online.

Fundraising print editions are also for sale in their webshop, including The Queen, Everest 2022 and the recently-published The Boat of Hope, the full astounding story of the attempt to row, single handed, across the Atlantic Ocean by Bernie Hollywood OBE, spotlighting his campaign to open a conversation on depression with early years children.

Check out the work of Liverpool Heartbeat at

Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital is online at

• You can find Tim online at

Categories: British Comics, Comic Previews, Comics, Creating Comics, Doctor Who, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds, Television

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