Our second report on one of the best British comic events of the year
Looking Back at Lawless 2024
Luke Williams headed to Bristol for this latest fun-filled 2000AD event…
In Review: The Steve Dillon Exhibition at Lawless
Missed the Steve Dillon art exhibition at Lawless this year? James Bacon brings you a mini tour…
downthetubes among nominees in ComicScene Awards 2023
We’re absolutely thrilled to be among the nominees – thank you to our readers and contributors
Looking Back at Lawless: A Celebration 2022
Richard Sheaf had a splendid time at the recent Lawless: A Celebration in Bristol, and encourage you all to get there in 2023…
Bidding builds on signed Lawless: A Celebration programme in aid of the charity CALM, now offered with unique extras!
The77 Publications team are running a great quick auction offering some amazing unique items in aid of the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
2000AD artist Simon Davis solo “I am Because You Are”exhibition announced
Coming soon to the Panter & Hall gallery on Pall Mall, a special exhibition from this great 2000AD artist, four years in the making
In Review: Two Comics in One! Hawk the Slayer’s return debuted with latest Judge Dredd Megazine
“Hawk the Slayer” returns in style in this month’s Judge Dredd Megazine
New Lawless “Noble Bolt-01 Award” offers free convention pass in memory of two British independent greats
A smashing idea in memory of two of independent British comic creator greats
Football Crazy! Ken Reid’s Football Funnies on sale this week (and 2000AD, too, of course!)
Don’t drop the ball and miss out on this new Ken Reid collection from Rebellion!
Lawless: The Bunker set to delivers great day of comics today
Don’t miss this free online British comics event, kicking off at 10am!
Lawless convention goes virtual in May 2021, 2022 dates announced
The Lawless convention team have big plans, despite the continuing pandemic…
New Judge Dredd Megazine includes a magical comics prequel for new “Chimera Code” novel
Magic, mayhem and an all-new Judge Dredd Megazine!
The77 anthology launch on course for mid-May debut
The planned launch of the new quarterly comic anthology The77 is still on course
Lawless Convention Cancelled, returns in 2021
Sad news from the organisers of the annual Lawless convention in Bristol