Still time to support the new issue of Underground Kingdom Comix collective’s anthology
Matt Simmons
Lancaster gets a new indie comic shop, Zine Freak, ahead of this year’s Coco Comic Con
Lancaster, already home to First Age Comics, has a new indie comic shop, Zine Freak
Coco Comic Con returns to Lancaster this weekend
A fun, free, comic-packed day awaits this weekend in Lancaster, at Coco Comic Con 2023
CoCo Comic Con comes to Lancaster next month, a free all-ages independent comics event
CoCo Comics Con is shaping up to be a great free event in August, with a host of indie comic creators lined up
Lakes International Comic Art Festival Podcast relives some 2021 gathering highlights with new creator interviews
Ian Loxam and Nikki Bates relive the jam packed Festival weekend!
Lakes International Comic Art Festival Podcast lands exclusive interview with “Sweet Tooth”creator Jeff Lemire
A fantastic guest for the latest Festival podcast!
New SKRAWL anthology smashes Kickstarter target in under 24 hours
Check out this stunning-looking new independent comics anthology!
That Was the Lakes That Was! First Podcast Creator Interviews Bonanza available now
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival 2019 has been and gone, flying past in a speed of light, but their brilliant Podcast team, led by Ian Loxam and Nikki Bates, have loads to report – and gathered some smashing comic… Read More ›
Bastard Galaxia Kickstarter appeal soars to new heights as 1980s toy comic homage captures new fans
Regular readers will recall we plugged the Bastard Galaxia web comic a while back – and now the team behind the book are running a Kickstarter that’s already secured funding for their first print collection – but they’re hoping to… Read More ›
Web Comic Spotlight: Bastard Galaxia, a crazy homage to 1980s action figures
Lancaster-based comic creators Steve Gregson and Matt Simmons have created a daft homage to the 1980’s action figure craze with Bastard Galaxia, centring on a maniacal bad guy that wouldn’t look out of place on Adult Swim (some of the… Read More ›