In Memoriam: Cartoonist and Wildlife Artist Phil Baber

We’re sorry to report the passing of longtime comic creator and wildlife artist Phil Baber, whose many credits over 30 years in the business spanned a slew of comics, newspapers, animation and much more.

Phil, who lived in Pembrokeshire, was also an accomplished wildlife artist, occasional angry poet, bird watcher, photographer, video maker, and campaigner, his Twitter profile dominated by terrific wildlife photography, and he made many contributions to BirdForum, the internet’s largest birding community.

His family have asked friends and fans of his work donate to the homelessness charity, Shelter, in his memory, via this JustGiving page. Phil was, sadly, victim to cancer.

This cartoon gained Phil Baber a Runner-Up place in the BBC Wildlife Cartoonist of the Year competition in 1993
This cartoon gained Phil Baber a Runner-Up place in the BBC Wildlife Cartoonist of the Year competition in 1993
Animal Conservation art by Phil Baber
Art by Phil Baber

Drawing professionally for over 30 years, Phil worked for many well-known names, including Badly Drawn Boy; Tina Turner and Barry White, and companies such as Aardman Animations, BBC Wildlife, Cadbury’s Crème Eggs, Eaglemoss, Oxford University Press and the World Wide Fund For Nature. His work also appeared in The Bristol Evening Post, the adult men’s magazine Knave, and in humour magazines such as GAG and UT, one aspiring rivals to VIZ.

Rabbit Cartoon by Phil Baber - "It says here they've got a warren to search this place"

“Fans and alumni of the humour comics of the 90s will remember Phil from his genius strip ‘Funny Bunnies’ which ran, amongst other magazines, in UT comic,” notes fellow cartoonist Kev Sutherland, who wrote many scripts for various publications Phil drew, including Kev’s own character, Captain Clevedon.

Funny Bunnies: everyday tales of rabbit-folk ran as a regular strip in the 1990s, in two adult comics, Blag and UT, and occasionally, later, in Knave magazine. Phil published a digital collection just last year which features 15 classic Funny Bunny stories, all digitally resurfaced from the original historic artwork, and salvaged scraps and pieces.

“His was a unique talent that never got the breaks or the exposure he deserved, and I know he had a lot of struggles along the way,” Kev continued.

“Phil Baber was a thoroughly nice bloke and one of the best artists I’ve ever known.”

While Phil’s comics career may have been haphazard, he was clearly successful as an illustrator for various advertising promotions, and his devotion to wildlife, particularly birds, earned him a loyal following through the TeamPB100WildlifeFilms channel on YouTube, where he built a following of over 3500 subscribers in at least 12 years of film making.

Eurasian Woodcock, art by Phil Baber (2013)
Eurasian Woodcock, art by Phil Baber (2013)

His Twitter feed and Bird and Wildlife Art site remain testament to his deep love of nature, Phil explaining how he had watched birds and other wildlife since an early age, most of my artwork is based on UK birds and wildlife.

Our sympathies to his family and friends at this time.

Donate to Shelter in memory of Phil here on JustGiving

Funny Bunnies: Everyday Tales of Rabbit-Folk: The Almost Complete Collection is available here as a digital edition

The Almost Complete Collection. 62 pages of Lagomorphic Laughs. 15 Life-Endangering stories + extras. Authored, drawn, digitally-resurfaced & shamelessly promoted by Phil Baber

Phil Baber’s official site is currently still live at

Phil Baber – Bird & Wildlife Art

TeamPB100WildlifeFilms on YouTube

Categories: Art and Illustration, British Comics, Comic Art, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Features, Obituaries, Other Worlds

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