Sneak Peek! GOOF Summer Special launches at Macc-Pow

With all that’s going on in the world, we could do with a bit of good cheer, right? Well, on a lighter note, Marc Jackson’s latest comic, aided by a host of comic talent, the GOOF Summer Special, launching at Macc-Pow later this month, is absolutely superb.

GOOF Summer Special 2024 - Cover by Marc Jackson
GOOF Summer Special 2024 – Cover by Marc Jackson

Yes, as if there weren’t enough amazing things happening at this annual comic art festival in Macclesfield, Cheshire, over 20th – 23rd June, the team are launching a special comic, too,

As we previously reported, this year sees the publication of  GOOF Summer Special, a 24-page printed comic for kids that features an absolutely glorious gaggle of cartoonists from around the world, creating brand-new characters and strips! Tor Freeman, Lew Stringer, David Leach, Mika Song, David DeGrandRachael Smith, James Kochalka, Jim Smith are just part of the fantastic lineup, delivering a comic that’s genuinely funny, perfectly pitched for kids… of all ages!

GOOF Summer Special 2024 - Tarzan the Teenager by Tor Freeman
“Tarzan the Teenager” by Tor Freeman
GOOF Summer Special 2024 - School of the Future by Lew Stringer
“School of the Future” by Lew Stringer

“Launching the comic at Macc-Pow gives us the unique chance to get the creators in front of the children who will actually be reading it,” says Marc, who’s thrilled at the look and content of the comic. “We’ll also be doing a unique live-draw challenge during the day, where kids can get a character drawn by one of the creators, in a fun speed drawing event! All these elements make this issue a real collectors item not to be missed.

“Taking the lead from the great work being done currently by BEANO, The Phoenix, and Monster Fun here in the UK, I wanted to offer something of the same high-quality, but with a unique spin,” he tells us. “I felt there was room for a comic that was created entirely by cartoonists, those who really knew the medium, who’ve worked in it, who’ve crafted comics for it over many years.

GOOF Summer Special 2024 - Activity page by Marc Jackson
Marc Jackson’s Activity Pages encourage reader participation!

“I also wanted to inject an anarchic spirit into the pages, and fully focus on the daft things that make children laugh. It’s been great to see all the comics come rolling in from the creators, some of them doing their craziest work to date.

“I really feel we’ve got something special on our hands, and who knows, maybe this won’t be the last we see of GOOF in the future. Watch this space, and we’ll see you in the funny pages!”

No disagreement here – GOOF is goofy, funny and brilliantly put together. Well worth tracking down – or heading to Macc-Pow to buy one!

• Check out the full details for Macc-Pow! 2024, running 20th – 23rd June, at

GOOF is available for mail order

This year, Macc-Pow’s increased support and investment in creators, not just during the festival weekend, has been made possible by Macclesfield Town Council.

Categories: British Comics, Comic Previews, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Events

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