Coming Soon: New “Educators” comic book, aiming to inspire teachers, pupils alike

Some nine months in the planning, comic creator and publisher Tim Perkins, whose credits include 2000AD, Doctor Who and his amazing graphic novel series, Worlds End, has announced The Educators, a new educational comic book, launching in September.

Direct-ED Printing Services - The Educators Launch Promo - art by Tim Perkins

Now at production stage, The Educators, aimed at teachers, parents, and comic fans too, launching 2nd September 2024, has been created by Tim for educational (and commercial) printers Direct-ED Printing Services, a company Tim has worked with for nearly a decade, initially with projects such as Dinoswords and Creative Curriculum Comics.

Tim Perkins. Photo: Jeremy Briggs
Tim Perkins, founder of Wizards Keep. Photo: Jeremy Briggs

Tim Perkins, founder of Wizards Keep, the culmination of his many years of experience in the art industry, has worked as a graphic designer since 1980, and in the comic book and children’s books industries since 1983. He began work in the theme park industry in 1990, and the animation field a year later.

His career in comics includes working for Marvel UK, 2000AD, Marvel US, DC comics, Defiant, Tekno, Caliber, Fleetway, Newsstand, and Toontastic, amongst others. He cites his career highlights in comics as Dreamstone, Dark Dominion, Phage – Shadowdeath, “Chopper”, for 2000AD, Dinoswords, and Doctor Who

Based in Lancashire, Direct-ED have been creating books and stationery for schools and parents since 1994, and is a trusted supplier of education resources to more than 4000 UK schools.

The September release coincides with the start of the new School Autumn Term.

Direct-ED Printing Services - The Educators Characters - art by Tim Perkins

“This has been a dream of mine for almost as many years as I have been working in comics as I repeatedly heard that kids were no longer reading en masse,” Tim explains. “Now, with that thought in mind, just imagine being able to engage all children, even those with learning difficulties or the most unwilling learner in the classroom using something as unassuming as a comic book.

“My aim, inside the subjects and stories of The Educators, is to make the exciting English curriculum come to life, whilst making an impact on pupil’s understanding as well as improving their reading and writing skills. The stories will also help pupils to relate to social themes, so they can learn how to deal with and react to everyday situations on a daily basis.

Trip to the Moon

“Children find it easier to learn when the subject is taught in a fun and creative way,” Tim expands, “and what better way than to speak in their language through the worlds inside comic books.

“Comics, because of their very format, are able to convey even really complex ideas and subject matter in the simplest of ways.”

It’s Tim’s hope that teachers, parents and children alike will get the same joy and excitement at learning through comics as the many that have gone before having done so.

“Imagine introducing your classes to the wonders inside their pages that will go onto to lead them to read the pages of books as diverse as Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stephenson, and The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame,” says Tim, “alongside The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien and The Meaning of Relativity by Albert Einstein, as their education progresses. These comics will be especially useful and perfect for Special Educational Needs Coordincators to use with the children in their charge too, as they deal with emotions and how to deal with different situations.”

Light of the Day
“Trick or Treat”

Tim has also created information packs to help Teachers to use the comics, which include a series of online academic papers written by educators and academics to show the validity of comics in the classroom, and some lesson plan ideas of things to do with the children during and after the class have looked at part of or all of a story within the comics. Meanwhile, Joe Mugan, the son of the owner of Direct-ED,has been creating a supporting Educators web site, which will be revealed soon.

“There will be all sorts of different things on the site,” Tim teases, “and I will announce more about the website as it happens.

“I am also hoping to visit schools to deliver Educator workshops alongside my general school comic workshops once we launch – details on how to arrange this will be on the website.

“I cannot wait to see The Educators comics out there!”

• The Educators Official site launches soon

• For details on prices and how to get hold of The Educators comics, please email:

There’s more information on Directed-ED’s Creative Curriculum Comics, developed by Tim Perkins here

Tim Perkins and Wizards Keep are online at

Categories: British Comics, Comics, Comics Education News, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds

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