Trust No-One: Markosia’s new Hollow Girl adventure offers more unsettling supernatural adventure

Markosia has just published the latest Hollow Girl story, The Things Left Unfinished – the eighteenth adventure in the long-running supernatural adventure series created by Luke Cooper.

Hollow Girl – Volume 18: The Things Left Unfinished by Luke Cooper, cover by Lee Milner

For those unfamiliar, Hollow Girl is a supernatural revenge comic book series about Hannah, a masked vigilante medium, written and drawn by Luke, who’s also creator of A Glimpse of Hell and the artist behind Wolf Country and the Jim Alexander’s True Believers Comic Award winning GoodCopBadCop.

In Hollow Girl – Volume 18: The Things Left Unfinished, when Hannah fails to save a young girl from a serial killer, the toll of taking on the role of Hollow Girl finally gets too much for her, and she ends up voluntarily returning to Southdown Mental Hospital.

Hollow Girl – Volume 18: The Things Left Unfinished by Luke Cooper
Hollow Girl – Volume 18: The Things Left Unfinished by Luke Cooper
Hollow Girl – Volume 18: The Things Left Unfinished by Luke Cooper

But all is not as it appears. Within the hospital, in the secure wing, lies a dark secret – a patient that shouldn’t be there, couldn’t be there, and whose very existence will change everything.

Featuring the return of a few familiar faces and a dollop of demonic possession, Hollow Girl: The Things Left Unfinished comes with a mesmerising cover by Lee Milner (Shift).

If you’ve yet to enjoy this spooky saga and want to catch up, Markosia have released two omnibus collections. Volume 1 – Identity collects volumes 1 to 3 (comprising “I Am No One”, “A Hollow Girl” and “Mr Twitch”) and Volume Two: Dark Reflections, released earlier this year, comprising “Legion”, “Fortress” and “Little Sister”, plus two short stories, one an unseen introduction to an alternate Victorian version of Hollow Girl.

Markosia was established in 2005 and has become one of the UK’s leading publishers of graphic novels. Based in London, we have gained a reputation for producing a diverse range of comic books and graphic novels that cover almost all genres.

Hollow Girl – Volume 18: The Things Left Unfinished is out now and available direct from Markosia or from online bookshops and elsewhere | AmazonUK Affiliate Link

Buy Hollow Girl previous releases (listed by most recent release) from AmazonUK (Affiliate Link)

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Categories: British Comics, British Comics - Graphic Novels, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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