FOLD lineup adds comic creators Mark Stafford and William Potter to lineup

Fold Derby Zine Fest 2024

FOLD – Derby Zine Fest, Derby’s first ever Zine Fest, is set to debut on Saturday 13th April, spanning two of the city’s cultural hubs, Déda and QUAD, in partnership with Derbyshire Zine Library and the University of Derby.

Over 35 indie zine makers will be taking part in a free to attend Zine Fair in the Déda theatre, while comic creators such as Mark Stafford (Lip Hook, The Man Who Laughs) and William Potter (Geezer, Black Crown Quarterly) can be found at the QUAD.

Screen printing and fantasy workshops are part of the event programme, headed up by the Print Club’s Sian Morrell and Jamzilla respectively.

Tapping into the incredible breadth of creativity both locally and nationally, FOLD is a new fest that will celebrate and showcase all things zine, bringing zinemakers, comic creators and DIY creatives from across the UK, together in Derby!

FOLD will bring a complimentary programme of activities at each venue – including a zine fair and free workshops at Déda, and a focus on comic zines and university students outputs at QUAD, as well as free activities for kids and young people.

The intention for FOLD is to bring together like-minded partnerships across Derby and Derbyshire, with all the organisations involved presenting an annual fest that gives a platform to, and shines a light on, one of the most accessible ways to be creative – zine making!

The Deda Cafe will be taken over by Derbyshire Zine Library, offering a pop-up and reading room along with free drop in zine making workshop, cut stick and explore your creativity.

Meanwhile, at the QUAD, you’ll be able to check out plenty of independent and small press comics, stripzines and graphic novels, plus University of Derby stalls showcasing the work of students across a range of creative departments,
including illustration, graphics, creative writing and publishing. The event is free to attend.

The QUAD Cinema will be screening various films, including the short film Zine There, Done That, and the QUAD Participation Space will be hosting free family-focussed activities including comics, badges and mask making.

Derbyshire Zine Library is an independent, volunteer run collection of zines, publications and artist books. Follow them on Instagram @derbyshirezinelibrary

Déda is a registered charity and Centre for Dance, Movement and Creativity based in the cathedral quarter Derby – connecting locally, nationally and internationally, our mission is to deliver an exceptional programme of dance, outdoor performance and visual arts, to as wide an audience as possible. Déda are not only proud of what they do, but of where they work, and their role in raising the profile of Derbys art scene.

Derby QUAD is an international centre for engagement in contemporary art and film, based in Derby. Its year-round programme focuses on major exhibitions, professional practice for artists, mass participation, commissions, independent film and the creative use of emergent digital technologies. Derby QUAD is a charity focused on intercultural dialogue through supporting diverse audiences to engage, develop skills and contribute to contemporary culture.

The University of Derby is a modern university located in the heart of England, building on the region’s heritage of innovation to provide industry-relevant skills and practices leading their students to roles in the creative industries and beyond. Students are encouraged to find their personal voice in producing outcomes for various outputs, such as advertising, editorial and educational design, graphic novels, printmaking, moving image, children’s books, and packaging.

• FOLD Comic Mart | 12 noon – 5.00pm 13th April 2024, Deda: Déda Derby Dance and Derby Quad, Derby | Follow Derbyshire Zine Library for updates

With thanks to Carl Flint

Categories: British Comics, Comic Art, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Events

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