Happy Birthday, 2000AD! From writer-artist and fan Paul Eldridge

Name: Paul Eldridge

Blog or web site: 
(I don’t blog, it brings me out in a rash…)

Currently working on: 

Numerous personal projects in production. After completing the Rubbernorc ebook I keep thinking of printing hard copies and of course pulling my finger out and working on a sequal.

I have plans to do more with some of the characters I created at Rok Comics who featured in Tales From My Mindverse, some more appearances of Gonad The Barbarian are on the cards and not neccesarily in comic form, and I will eventually start the ongoing Cheesy Warriors From A Dairy Dimension strip. Apart from the sillyness involved in all that I am hoping to develop some less silly adventure strips soon, I feel that it’s about time.

I also continue to contribute to the Temple APA, the latest issue is out now or at least very soon. And I am currently shamelessly selling some of my wares through the likes of Cafepress and Zazzle, plastering t-shirts and the like with some of the nonsense that seeps from my mind.

First memory of 2000AD

Finding annuals in my christmas stocking, was around 82/83, I still remember quite a few of the stories vividly, alien zoo’s, old G.I.’s and Stogie.

Favourite Character or Story?

Too many to choose from. Dredd, Johnny Alpha and Rogue always seem to be the main three to me, possibly because they were all in those early annuals, but it seems awfully unfair to pick a favourite, so many other names come to mind now, if I write a list it’ll take up half the internet.

From my early readings The Chopper for OZ storyline is always memorable, I can still cheer him on now and D.R. and Quinch were a laugh, but I dunno, off the top of my head… Ro-Jaws, ‘cos that’s how I’d program a robot.

Full list of 2000AD Games here on BARNE

What do you like most about the 2000AD?

Something to do with the worlds the characters live in, they are all instantly memorable, it’s the little touches like the use of language that make all the difference.

What would you most like to see in 2000AD as it heads to its Forties?

More of the same? It seems to be working quite well. Maybe it would be nice to see the some classic characters revisted, to see what they’re doing as they get older.

• This post is one in a series of tributes to 2000AD to mark its 35th birthday on 26th February 2012. More about 2000AD at www.2000adonline.com

2000AD © Rebellion

Categories: 2000AD, British Comics


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