New Doctor And Companion To Visit Their Hometowns

Doctor Who actors Matt Smith and Karen Gillan

As part of the pre-publicity for the new series of Doctor Who due to start on BBC1 at Easter, new Doctor, Matt Smith, and Karen Gillan, who plays new companion Amy Pond, will be undertaking a short publicity tour.

As well as Matt Smith’s hometown of Northampton and Karen Gillan’s hometown of Inverness they will also visit Belfast, Salford and Sunderland.

The tour takes in the five locations in three days beginning in Belfast on Monday 29 March and concluding in Salford on Wednesday 31st March. Each location will have a screening for local children of the first episode of the new series, The Eleventh Hour, written by the series’ new show runner Steven Moffat.

• The trailer for the new series is available on the BBC Doctor Who website while there are more details of the tour on the BBC News website.

Categories: Doctor Who, Events

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1 reply

  1. Is it me, or is the new Dr Who a bit of a box-head? I’ll never forget the time I was having breakfast in Bruno’s on Wardour Street and Tom Baker came in for a cup of tea. Even Timelords need their caffeine fix.

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