Storytelling through Illustration Online Master Class with Mollie Ray

Join illustrator and graphic novelist Mollie Ray next week, for an online masterclass organised by Writers and Artists, where she will share practical advice for illustrators and comic artists, and get you drawing.

Illustrations have the power to tell a story, whether you are creating a graphic novel or illustrating children’s books. 

Participants in this online workshop, which costs £30, can expect Mollie to talk about her own creative process, across both short-form comics and her silent graphic novel Giant, and offer top tips and advice on telling a story through images alone. 

Giant by Mollie Ray - Cover (Faber and Faber, 2024)
Art from Mollie Ray’s upcoming graphic novel, Giant
Art from Mollie Ray’s upcoming graphic novel, Giant

She’ll touch on how to find the right stories for your work, whether that’s writing your own or illustrating someone else’s. Mollie will go through using tone, colour and composition to craft compelling images, and creating character, setting and narrative visually, to help you bring your story to life on the page without the use of words. She will also discuss how and when to bring words into the picture.

Finally, Mollie will share insight into her own journey to publication, and how she’s built up her portfolio as an illustrator.

This masterclass will be online via Teams. It will also be recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you’ll be able to catch-up and access the recording for up to two weeks after the event has taken place. 

Comic creator Mollie Ray

Mollie Ray is a Lancaster-based comic artist and illustrator. Ray’s debut graphic novel Giant will be published in 2024 with Faber and Faber. In 2019, she graduated from The University of Edinburgh with a First-Class Honours degree in Illustration. Her work has been featured by Creative Boom, The AOI and Broken Frontier’s ‘Six To Watch In 2021’. She has also done work for the BBC in support of David Attenborough’s Wild Isles series and self-published multiple short-form comics.

Writers and Artists offer expert advice articles and inspirational author interviews, competitions, a lively online community and editorial services for every stage of your writing journey.

Storytelling through Illustration | Wednesday 26th June 2024 7.00 to 8.30pm, Online | Book here

This is a live online event which will be presented using video conferencing software. Joining instructions and full guidance will be provided by the W&A Team a week before the event start-date

• Mollie Ray is online at:

• Writers and Artists:

Categories: Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Events

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