Superstar Footballer Marcus Rashford Guest-edits the BEANO

Beano 4146 featuring Marcus Rashford

BEANO, the world’s most blamtastic comic is teaming up with superstar footballer and bestselling author, Marcus Rashford, for a special edition of the weekly humour comic, on sale in a few days time.

Marcus will guest-edit the comic in a super special edition released on Wednesday, 27th July 2022 (BEANO No. 4146), and will see the hotshot striker immortalised in BEANO cartoon form and creating mischief and mayhem alongside iconic characters such as Bananaman, Billy Whizz and The Bash Street Kids.

Marcus Rashford, Guest Beano Editor (July 2022)
Marcus Rashford’s guest BEANO editor’s letter
Marcus Rashford’s guest BEANO editor’s letter
Beano 4146 featuring Marcus Rashford
Beano 4146 featuring Marcus Rashford
Beano 4146 featuring Marcus Rashford

And if you think the BEANO team are excited about this, you should hear what Marcus has to say!

“I jumped at the chance,” he said, “because this is a great opportunity for you to get to know me a little better and understand all the things that are important to me. I brought my friends from Macmillan Children’s Books and NatWest along for the journey too to help me pull together some exciting activities.”

Marcus guest-editorship was inspired by Marcus and BEANO’s shared mission to unlock reading for fun. The special edition of the BEANO celebrates the launch of Marcus’ new book, You Can Do It: How to Find Your Voice and Make a Difference, written with Carl Anka and published by Macmillan Children’s Books.

Beano 4146 featuring Marcus Rashford

The special guest editorship is also part of NatWest’s Thrive programme, created in partnership with Marcus and the National Youth Agency. The programme aims to help 6-16 year olds become more financially confident and realise their full potential through a series of interactive group workshops and peer-to-peer sessions.

So, if you want to find out what Marcus and his new mates will be getting up to, make sure to grab yourself a copy of next week’s BEANO as soon as you can!

Categories: Books, British Comics, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Events, Other Worlds

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1 reply

  1. Cool 🙂 been busy with extra work and few weeks behind on my Beano reading, but can’t wait.

    A lot of people who complain about football players and complain about charity not beginning at home also somehow don’t like Marcus. Same people complain about standards and morality and support Boris. Don’t think even the fantastic Beano can compete with that kind of comedy value 🙂

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