Crucible: The Comic Strip

Crucible: Pomorele Harbour


Good news this week as comic artist Smuzz and I got word that our pitch for a comic strip we have been throwing around ideas for since at least 1996 has got a publisher. ‘The Quest’ (working title) will be published in STRIP Magazine in 2011 and as a graphic album later in the year by PrintMedia.

Smuzz (aka SMS back in an earlier incarnation when he worked on comics such as 2000AD drawing ABC Warriors) has been working hard on designs and the first pages of this comic, set in a world we hope will surprise, for a couple of months, but the origins of the overall concept go back to when I was doing a comics fanzine many years ago. Which only goes to show you should never throw old story files away…

We don’t want to give away too much at this stage, but here’s Smuzz’ design for the coastal city of Pomorele, where the adventure begins…

We’re also throwing down a challenge to fans:

Rules. What rules would you make if you were funding an expedition into a world where ‘magic’ worked and monsters dwelled? Funny or serlous: ideas welcome. For example:

The explorer must buy their own weapons, and is responsible for checking their efficiency…

The current Rules we have adopted are here. If we like your suggested rule, we’ll feature your name in the Book of Rules and, perhaps, feature you in the comic in some way at some point… Just add your suggested rule as a comment below.

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