Big Draw back in October

Big Draw LogoThe Big Draw – the biggest drawing festival in the world – is back in October in 15 countries, with 200,000 people again expected to take part. Hundreds of new and enjoyable drawing activities will hopefully help connect people of all ages with museums, outdoor spaces, artists – and each other.

These events are for those who love to draw, and those who think they can’t and, since its launch in 2000, The Big Draw has successfully supported the Campaign for Drawing’s aims by encouraging everyone to draw.

Big Draw events highlight the power of drawing to help people see, think, invent and take action and  if you want to get involved, there are several ways to do it:

Anyone can run their own Big Draw event. Register your event here and then run your event between 1st October and 3rd November.

  • If your event is family friendly and takes place between 18th October and 3rd November, you can make it part of the new Family Arts Festival. If so, you only need to register your event on where there is an option to include it in The Big Draw programme. Here are some ideas on making it Family Friendly
  • Adopt the 2013 theme Draw Tomorrow or choose your own
  • Would you like some inspiration? Look at our simple and easy ideas. Feel like pushing boundaries or are you a young organiser? Our new mini magazines can help you create your event
  • Later apply for Drawing Inspiration Awards worth up to £1000, sponsored by the Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust and NADFAS. Get ideas from the latest award winners

Go to this Campaign for Drawing page or more guidance and ideas

• The Big Draw:

Categories: Comic Art, Creating Comics, Events


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