Here’s a list of comics – both US and UK releases – on sale in specialist UK comic shops from tomorrow, Wednesday 17th September 2014, courtesy of First Age Comics, Lancaster. We’ve picked out the titles published by British publishers in bold below, or titles with a British connection we’re aware of.
Releases include 2000AD Issue 1899 (also on sale in newsagents) the last issue before the much-hyped Issue 1900 Rebellion hopes will provide a ‘jump on point’ for new readers. This week, how can you be more hardcore than Judge Dredd? The alien Lawlords are giving it a good try, but Dredd already has them on their knees! Also in this issue of the legendary weekly anthology: Aquila, Brass Sun, Black Shuck, and a brand new Future Shock! 2000AD is also available worldwide day-and-date DRM-free digital through the comic’s webshop or the iPad app.
Valiant Entertainment‘s Armor Hunters: Bloodshot mini-series continues this week, with art from Trevor Hairsine. In Issue Three, M.E.R.O. headquarters has been evacuated, and Bloodshot is the only thing left standing between the alien prisoner called Malgam and the outside world. Battle-worn and brutalized, can Bloodshot survive one final confrontation with an extraterrestrial foe augmented by the unholy power of the X-O Manowar armour? If you thought the first two chapters were hardcore, stay out of the splash zone because the Armor Hunters just picked the wrong soldier to fuss with!
Issue Four of the main Armor Hunters book, drawn by Doug Braithwaite, who we interviewed recently about his new exhibition in Kendal, is out next week.
Also out this week is Dark Horse Presents 2014 #2, featuring a terrific cover by Steve Parkhouse to promote the new “Resident Alien” story within, written by Peter Hogan. The 48-page anthology also features Brendan McCarthy’s “Dream Gang”, Chris Roberson and Paul Lee reveal an untold tale from the movie Aliens featuring the character Hicks, Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey deliver a new “Action Philosophers!” that pulls the entire series together in “Action Philosophy!”, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Andy Kuhn’s are back with “Wrestling with Demons”, and there’s a slice of Damon Gentry and Aaron Conley’s “Sabertooth Swordsman” to savour, too.
As Scotland goes to the polls to decide on its fate, the Judge Dredd Megazine Issue 352 (also on sale in newsagents) brings up a brand new collection of tales from the Scotland of the future – Cal-Hab!
“Cal-hab is a futuristic version of Scotland as played out in the Judge Dredd universe,” writer Jim Alexander reminds us. “I pitched the main character Judge Ed Macbrayne as a cross between Judge Dredd and Billy Connolly, which tells you everything you need to know about the story!”
Jim tells us that with the Scottish referendum taking place this week the strip, drawn by John Ridgway, has enjoyed some media coverage, most notably in the Metro, which carried a couple of quotes from Jim himself.
“It is this idea that a future Scotland would become this radiated wasteland populated by madmen,” Jim told the paper. “It’s an environment where the idea of Scots having any way of self-determination seemed dead in the water.”
This special Scottish bundle of tales tops a bumper issue with more from John Wagner and Henry Flint on “Judge Dredd: Dead Zone”, Dan Abnett and Phil Winslade on “Lawless”, and Arthur Wyatt and Paul Davidson’s follow-up to the sell-out comic book sequel to the DREDD movie. Plus “The Man From The Ministry” by Gordon Rennie and Kev Hopgood continues and the issue includes interviews with John Layman and Eddie Robson, plus a special bonus Graphic Novel featuring the late Steve Moore’s boisterous Valkyries.
As with 2000AD, Judge Dredd Megazine will be available worldwide day-and-date DRM-free digital on Wednesday through the 2000AD webshop or the iPad app.
Don’t forget that along with a host of home-grown comics (albeit some described as such but decidedly limited in terms of comic strip content) The Beano is on sale in all good newsagents, too, as are the latest issues of Commando, Doctor Who Adventures and Doctor Who Magazine – and Panini Comics UK’s Marvel superhero titles, with Avengers Universe #4, Incredible Hulks #6, Wolverine and Deadpool #3, Astonishing Spider-Man Volume 4 #25 and Ultimate Spider-Man #278 al on sale now.
- 2000AD Prog 1899
- All New X-Factor 14
- All New X-Men 32
- Armor Hunters Bloodshot 3
- Avengers 35
- Avengers World 13
- Batman And Robin Futures End 1
- Batman Eternal 24
- Batman/Superman Futures End 1
- Batwoman Futures End 1
- BPRD Hell On Earth 123
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Ten 7
- Criminal Macabre Third Child 1
- Daredevil 8
- Dark Horse Presents 2014 Issue 2
- Dark Tower Drawing Of Three: Prisoner 2
- Dead@17 Blasphemy Throne 2
- Deadly Class 7
- Deadpool Bi_annual 1
- Delinquents 2
- Edge Of Spider-Verse 2
- Elektra 6
- Fables 144 (Art by Mark Buckingham)
- Forever Evil Arkham War Trade Paperback
- George Perez’s Sirens 1
- God Is Dead 20
- Godzilla Cataclysm 2
- Green Lantern New Guardians Futures End 1
- Hellraiser Bestiary 2
- Hulk 6
- Hulk Annual 1
- Infinite Crisis Fight For The Multiverse 3
- Invincible Trade Paperback Volume 11 HAPPY DAYS
- Jim Henson’s Storyteller Witches 1
- Judge Dredd 23
- Judge Dredd Megazine 352
- Justice League Futures End 1
- Last Broadcast 5
- Leaving Megalopolis Hard Cover
- Littlest Pet Shop 5
- Manifest Destiny 10
- Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man 5
- Multiversity: The Society Of Super-Heroes 1
- New 52 Futures End 20
- Nova 21
- Oddly Normal 1
- One Hit Wonder 4
- Original Sin 5.5
- Red Hood And The Outlaws Futures End 1
- Rush Clockwork Angels 5
- Satellite Sam 10
- Savage Hulk 4
- Scribblenauts Unmasked Crisis Of Imagination 9
- Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman 2
- Shadow: Midnight Moscow 4
- Shutter 6
- Strain: Night Eternal 2
- Stray Bullets The Killers 7
- Supergirl Futures End 1
- Superior Spider-Man 33
- Superman/Wonder Woman Futures End 1
- Supreme Blue Rose 3
- Teen Titans Futures End 1
- The Devilers 3
- Thor God Of Thunder 25
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles In Time 4
- Transformers More Than Meets The Eye 33 DAWN OF THE AUTOBOTS
- Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Trade Paperback Volume 4
- Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Trade Paperback Volume 5
- Transformers Phase One Omnibus Trade Paperback
- Trees 5
- Trinity of Sin Pandora Futures End 1
- Uncanny Avengers 24 MTAX
- Uncanny X-Men 26
- Unity 11
- Wicked And Divine 4
- Witchfinder Mysteries Of Unland 4
- Wolverine And X-Men 9
- Wonder Woman Futures End 1
- The X-Files Season Ten 16
• First Age Comics is at 3 Moor Lane, Lancaster LA1 1QD. Open: Tuesday-Friday 10am-16.30pm, Saturday 10am-17.30pm. Find them on Facebook
• First Age Comics also has a shop site on e-Bay:
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: British Comics, downthetubes Comics News, Featured News, US Comics