9 Market Street, Nottingham NG1 6HY | Web: page45.com

Page 45 is a comic shop whose goal has always been simple: to bring the widest range of quality comics and graphic novels available into contact with as many new people as possible, and to do so with a warmth, honesty and informed eloquence in a relaxed, welcoming and professional environment.
To recreate the European model which has meant that comics and their creators there have always been received with the respect they deserve and the sales to accompany it.
Created in 1994 by Mark Simpson (1968-2005) and Stephen L. Holland, then swiftly joined by Dominique Kidd, Page 45 are: Stephen L. Holland (Comics Laureate 2021-2023), Jonathan Rigby, with Ethan Wiltshire
Should you be of a curious disposition then you can find out far more about them than they’d really like you to know in their The Usual Suspects (Staff Profiles), the Page 45 Website Credits, the various Page 45 interviews they’ve dodged and, obviously, the reviews they’ve written.
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