Celebrating Doctor Who at 60: Artist Chris Waples

Celebrating Doctor Who at 60: Artist Chris Waples

Artist Charles Waples is sharing his love for Doctor Who – hitting its 60th Anniversary on 23rd November – with some smashing celebratory artwork.

“The first episode aired the day after the Kennedy assassination and has genuinely travelled through time for succeeding generations,” says Charles.

Check out more of Charles’ work on Facebook (Charles Waples), Instagram (@Scribeslikeus) and X formally Twitter (@scribeslike) where more details about his Who art can be found.

“Everybody had a childhood Doctor Who and maybe plenty of grown up ones too,” Charles ponders. “Which Who was yours?”

Celebrating Doctor Who at 60: Artist Chris Waples
Charles Waples
Charles Waples

Charles Waples started as an actor and TV, Film and Radio scriptwriter, for the BBC, Granada, Sky, Radio Four and Channel 4. He’s written scripts for shows starring Paul O’Grady, John Thomson, Arnold Brown, Caroline Aherne and Johnny Vaughan.

He is developing films with his company, Nine Acre Films, and, as an illustrator, he is a published cartoonist and caricaturist.

Published illustration work includes a graphic novel of Ian Fleming’s On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, published in 007 Magazine, and regular illustration work for Manchester’s City Life Magazine.

As a storyboard artist he has worked on two feature films in Los Angeles both shooting from storyboards he developed – The Mystery of Casa Matusita which stars Malcolm McDowell and Gary Oldman, and Sister Cities by Colette Friedman, featuring Alfred Molina – both for Prospect House Entertainment. Other storyboards include BMW promos, John Deere Advertising and storyboard work for Telefonica.

James Bond - On Her Majesty's Secret Service graphic novel by Charles Waples

He has been scribing for over 15 years, working across most conceivable subjects including change management, digital, innovation, Fintech, Blockchain, HR, Marketing, Insurance, Local Government and Communications amongst others. Clients include KPMG, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Capgemini, Accenture, Diageo, Marks and Spencer, Local and National Government, Starfish Taylor and Channel Four TV.

• Check out more of Charles’ work on Facebook (Charles Waples), Instagram (@Scribeslikeus) and X formally Twitter (@scribeslike) where more details about his Who art can be found.

• Are you an artist celebrating 60 Years of Doctor Who? Drop us a line with an artwork you’d like to share with your bio and contact details so fans can follow your work!

• On Facebook? Join the Doctor Who Comics and Art: A Voyage group

Categories: Art and Illustration, Doctor Who, downthetubes News, Other Worlds, Science Fiction, Television

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