Commando Webbing

DC Thomson’s official Commando website have just completed their first web version of a Commando comic. Wall of Death was originally published in July 1966 in Commando issue 221, written by Redbridge and illustrated by Cortez. The website has formatted the entire story into eleven chapters beginning here and each one links to the next.

Now that the story has been completed, the site has detailed the work that went into getting the 63 digest size pages into a web format. Writer Dan McGachey had to adapt the story into eleven segments with a recap at the beginning of each. The original art was scanned and adapted to the web comic format by artist Bryn Houghton who had to cover up original text boxes and speech balloons to create new ones in different positions as well as extending the artwork to take account of the square format used on the site. More details of their work can be found here.

Now that the first story has been completed, the site has begun a second web Commando. This time they have chosen They Flew By Night which was originally published in issue 516 from December 1970 and tells the story of RAF night bomber raids during the Second World War. The artist for this story is Commando veteran Gordon Livingstone, who was interviewed about his work on Commando in the BBC4 series Comics Britannia. This particular story was in the Carlton book Commando: All Guns Blazing meaning that owners of the book will be able to see the difference between the original and the web version as the Commando site continues to add chapters.

The web comic of Wall Of Death begins here, while the web comic of They Flew By Night begins here. The main page of the Commando website is here.

Commando: All Guns Blazing, with an introduction by former Commando editor George Low, is available from and

Categories: British Comics, British Comics - Current British Publishers

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