Rebellion has revealed the massive creator line up for its 2000AD Forty Years of Thrills Festival, a one day event taking place Saturday 11th February 2017, just outside London.
Marking 40 years and over 2000 issues of thrill power, the Festival will be the culmination of a whole slate of UK-wide events planned to celebrate the enduring legacy of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic.
downthetubes team members will be at the event, along with other comics press.
It will be a day packed with signings, exclusive merchandise and panel discussions and guests on hand include writers 2000AD creator and founding editor Pat Mills, Alan Grant, John Wagner, Dan Abnett, David Bailie, Emma Beeby, Paul Cornell, Ian Edginton, Al Ewing, Peter Hogan, Peter Milligan, Leah Moore, Gordon Rennie, John Reppion, Hilary Robinson, Eddie Robson, Si Spurrier, Rob Williams and Alec Worley; plus editors (or former Thargs!) David Bishop, Richard Burton, Andy Diggle and Steve McManus; and former Judge Dredd Megazine editor Alan Barnes.
Artists at the event include: Carlos Ezquerra, Charlie Adlard, Jeff Anderson, Simon Bisley, Laurence Campbell, Mike Collins, Boo Cook, Eoin Coveney, INJ Culbard, D’Israeli, Simon Davis, Nigel Dobbyn, Mike Dowling, Richard Elson, Glenn Fabry, Duncan Fegredo, Henry Flint, Tom Foster, Simon Fraser, Leigh Gallagher, Dave Gibbons, Patrick Goddard, Simon Gurr, Simon Jacob, Mark Harrison, John Higgins, Rian Hughes, Jon Davis-Hunt, Frazer Irving, Jock, David Kendall, Cam Kennedy, Ian Kennedy, Roger Langridge, Clint Langley, Colin MacNeil, Paul Marshall, John McCrea, Mick McMahon, David Millgate, Nick Percival, Mike Perkins, Sean Phillips, Warren Pleece, Steve Pugh, Arthur Ranson, Dom Reardon, Jesus Redondo, Karl Richardson, David Roach, Neil Roberts, Steve Roberts, Abigail Ryder, Geoff Senior, Mark Sexton, Robin Smith, Lee Sullivan, Steve Tappin, Dylan Teague, Lee Townsend, Tiernen Trevallion, Steve Yeowell, Kev Walker, Chris Weston, Ben Willsher; plus colourists Chris Blythe and Steve White; letterers such as Simon Bowland and Annie Parkhouse; and designer John Tomlinson.
“We have brought together a group of the greatest writers and artists on the planet,” said Rebellion’s head of books and comics Ben Smith. “We’re confident that this is not only the largest assembly of 2000AD talent ever, but a line up that rivals any UK comic event.
“We very much hope that come February, Earthlets large and small will consider their minds well and truly blown!”
• Taking place at Hammersmith’s Novotel, tickets are available now
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, British Comics - Current British Publishers, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Events