Crowdfunding Spotlight: Breaking the mould with Save Our Souls magazine

Save Our Souls is a stunning looking new British magazine currently seeking crowdfunding of £3000 to launch, which will feature written articles by brilliant writers and journalists, alongside some of the best short comics and illustration you can find.

The magazine is being edited by David Ziggy Greene, best known for his years of illustrated journalism, who has also created work for BBC, Time Out London and numerous publications and created multiple graphic novels.

“We’ll hand-pick and invite our writers and creators to make sure this will be like nothing produced in the UK before,” says David.

“It will includes articles on wide ranging topics and experiences by some of the best writers currently being published in major newspapers, magazines and websites.

Save Our Souls - Promotional Poster

“We want to change the way people see the relationship between comics and writing,” he explains, “So even if you aren’t much of a comic reader, this mag is the best way to give it a go!”

Save Our Souls - Strip Samples Image
A magazine in the truest sense, then: offering a range of interesting, informative and addictive content and that looks stunning.

Well, given that the initial comic creator line up includes David himself, DIX (the artist on Si Spencer’s new graphic novel, Klaxon), Fumio Obata, Children’s Laureate Chris Riddell and Mark Stafford, to name but a few, I think you’ll agree the team have gathered a great line up of talent and look more than ready to achieve their aim.

“We need to raise £3000 to pay for great printing and more importantly it helps to pay the contributors for their amazing time and work.,” says David. “We want to buck the trend of expecting creatives to work for free.”

If you want to get your mitts on what looks like being a thrilling magazine, full of gobsmacking visuals and thought-provoking belly laughs, then help David and company launch this groundbreaking publication by backing it today.
• Campaign Site:–2#

Categories: British Comics, Crowd Funding Projects, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Magazines

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