First Look – Torchwood 20 by Minchin, Yeowell, Workman

Torchwood strip drawn by Steve YeowellTitan Magazines Torchwood title has hit Issue 20 and the comic strip is sure to appeal to 2000AD fans – it’s drawn by Steve “Zenith” Yeowell.

Written by Brian Minchin, a Script Editor and Assistant Producer on the Torchwood TV series, with art by Steve Yeowell (with lettering and additional art by John Workman), the story, ‘Fated to Pretend’, opens with a prison van driving at breakneck speed along an isolated road – as if pursued by the devil itself. The doors break open and prisoners spill out onto the road – but something yanks them back inside. By the time Torchwood arrive, the prisoners and warders are dead. But worse than that. They’ve been eaten

Torchwood strip drawn by Steve YeowellTorchwood follow the prison van back to Mynydd Coch, an aging prison built high above Cardiff in the Black Mountains. The prison has been locked shut, the transporter was the first vehicle to leave the building for months, and there have been strange stories from within of horror and brutality, of Zombie warders, and prisoners eaten alive. Jack has another theory… But what will happen when he, Ianto and Gwen get inside…?

Steve Yeowell is one of the UK’s most successful comic artists, who began his career back in the 1980s working with writer Grant Morrison on Marvel UK’s Zoids, He then went on to work with Morrison on 2000AD’s ground-breaking Zenith series and has never looked back, working on 2000AD series such as Sinister Dexter and The Red Seas, and also on several comics for Marvel (Skrull Kill Krew), DC (Batman, Starman) and Vertigo (The Invisibles, Sebastian O).

John Workman is one of comics’ most famous letterers, and has worked on comics by Walt Simonson, Grant Morrison and many more on such titles as Doom Patrol and Thor. Also a comic artist, and the Torchwood comic editor Martin Eden invited him to contribute to this special strip.

Torchwood Magazine Issue 20 is on sale now in the UK (more info here) and on 16th March in the US (more info here) and is available from all good retailers and specialist comic stores.

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Categories: 2000AD, British Comics

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1 reply

  1. Crikey! I’m a huge fan of Steve’s work but this art is shocking! Must have been one hell of a deadline rush on this.

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