Forgotten Planet Kickstarter offers creative Rewards for aspiring Comic Creators

Forgotten Planet promotional art by Giancarlo Caracuzzo

Forgotten Planet promotional art by Giancarlo Caracuzzo

It seems that these days lots of comic creators are using crowdfunding to kickstart their projects, as larger publishers take less risks and back away from projects that are aimed at a niche market or buck the mainstream trends.

Now, indie publishers Scar Comics are not only embracing the idea, but in a bold movie to engage other creators,  they’re offering something pretty unique to aspiring comic artists and writers in conjunction with the Forgotten Planet Kickstarter campaign, which now has less than two weeks to run.

For just £30 pledged to the project from writer Pete Rogers and artist Giancarlo Caracuzzo on Kickstarter, you not only get a copy of the book signed by Peter, but you can also get either a one hour portfolio review from Scar Comics publisher and editor on the book Shane Chebsey or a full writing tutorial from Peter.

“The great thing about this reward is that by helping the new book get off the ground, you may also be helping yourself to a new career in comics, as if the campaign is successful Scar Comics will be looking for a new writer and artist team for our next project” says Shane.

The Tutorial and review will be conducted on-line either via Skype or email, depending on what the creator prefers.

Forgotten Planet is a science fiction graphic novel, following Cale Beckett, a legendary former mercenary, as he seeks to unravel his past on the frozen planetoid. Scar Comics turned to Kickstarter for this project in order to fully fund the creavtive team, seeking £11,500 to pay contributors.

The project’s updates include plenty of snapshots of some of Giancarlo’s stunning design work for the project, and they’ve also posted this five page “taster” of the story, reproduced below.

To find out how you can get your creator review and/or a copy of the new book with stunning art by Marvel and DC artist Giancarlo Caracuzzo check out the campaign here

Forgotten Planet © 2013 Peter Rogers & Ginacaro Caracuzzo

Forgotten Planet Page 1 by Peter Rogers and Ginacarlo Caracuzzo

Forgotten Planet Page 2 by Peter Rogers and Giancarlo CaracuzzoForgotten Planet Page 3 by Peter Rogers and Giancarlo CaracuzzoForgotten Planet Page 4 by Peter Rogers and Giancarlo CaracuzzoForgotten Planet Page 5 by Peter Rogers and Giancarlo Caracuzzo


Categories: Comic Creator Spotlight, Crowd Funding Projects, downthetubes Comics News, Featured News

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