Happy Birthday, 2000AD! From artist and fan Simon Wyatt

2000AD memories by Simon Wyatt

Name: Simon Wyatt

Blog or web site:

Strangely Drawn: http://simonwyatt.blogspot.com

Currently working on:

Alpha Gods with Ian Sharman for Orang Utan Comics, Phantom Lung & The Garden of Dead Liars with Cy Dethan and Volume 2 of my graphic novel series, Unbelievable: The Man Who Ate Daffodils for Markosia.

First memory of 2000AD?

Early Dredd, McMahon, Ezquerra and Bolland art blowing me away.

Favourite Character or Story?

Too many really, I loved Flesh, Dan Dare with the Eternicus gauntlet, Skizz, Tyrrany Rex, Harry Twenty, Dredd versus Death but I guess my all time favourite story was 1979’s Ro Busters classic featuring Charlie, the giant pilot robot defending Northpool from the Terra Meks, led by Mek-Quake, just an absolute stand out story!

What do you like most about the 2000AD?

The variety and ingenuity of its long storytelling history, the eclectic characters, the best of British comic art and the fact that the anarchic humour is still intact and still translates well to this day.

What would you most like to see in 2000AD as it heads to its Forties?

More of the same!

If you worked on 2000AD, do you have an anecdote you’d like to share about your experience of Tharg and his minions?

Never worked for 2000AD, submitted a few times previously (who knows, maybe one day in the far flung future).

• This post is one in a series of tributes to 2000AD to mark its 35th birthday on 26th February 2012. More about 2000AD at www.2000adonline.com

2000AD © Rebellion

Categories: 2000AD, British Comics

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