Klep! “Cosmic Comics” is a Kevin O’Neill comics miscellany that may burn your eyeballs!

Independent publisher Hibernia has teamed up with the Treasury of British Comics to publish Cosmic Comics, a terrific, eye-searing collection of legendary comic creator Kevin O’Neill’s formative work on such titles as 2000AD, Lion, Tornado and Starlord.

Cosmic Comics CoverThis brilliant, brain-bursting 60-page plus collection brings together strips as diverse as his humour strips like “Captain Klep” and “Dash Decent”, and his work on the long-running “Future Shocks” for 2000AD, along with his amazing painted covers from the 2000AD Sci Fi Specials, Starlord – and much more.

Aan excellent assemblage of undiluted Kevin O’Neill-fuelled genius, Cosmic Comics showcases the development of his artwork from art editor of 2000AD to being the co-creator of “Nemesis the Warlock“, Metalzoic and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Tharg’s Future-Shocks - Wings

Starlord Issue Three Cover

2000AD - Tharg and the Intruder

A fan of lesser comics than 2000AD gets everything he deserves in “Tharg and The Intruder”

1978 2000AD Sci FI Special Cover by Kevin O’Neill

Richard Pearce, Hibernia’s designer, has really hit this one out of the park, bringing poorly printed newsprint to life under a superbly designed, limited edition package.

The selected strips are the kind of gems from British comics often overlooked in major collections, simply because they are hard to “fit” or categorise, so it’s great to see such a marvellous miscellany.

Both po-faced superheroes and square-jawed SF warriors are taken down a peg or two in “Captain Klep” and “Dash Decent” in style, but with every strip displaying a clear love for the source material for the jokes and overall ribaldry.

Captain Klep reconstructed for Cosmic Capers thanks to Richard Pearce

Captain Klep reconstructed for Cosmic Capers thanks to Richard Pearce

Captain Klep from Tornado

Captain Klep from Tornado Dash Decent from 2000AD

“This is our fourteenth publication, and after years of telling everyone how great British comic are, the Fleetway archive has found a great home at The Treasury of British Comics,” notes Hibernia publisher David McDonald. “They are doing incredible work at bringing back classic characters, not only in reprint but with new material too.

“We are delighted and very excited to have the chance to bring some of that archive to publication in conjunction with the Treasury brand.

“We have brought what Hibernia is known for, quality reproduction, excellent restoration, and great comics!”

Hibernia’s limited edition titles sell out fast, so, I’d urge you to get this while you can!

Cosmic Comics, a 66-page perfect bound collection is only available online here

2000AD Ad by Kevin O'Neill

Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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1 reply

  1. Thanks for posting John – I just ordered a copy
    Max, Reemsborko

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