Leeds Laydeez Do Comics offer “Yorkshire Showcase” with Widdershins creator Kate Ashwin and more

Widdershins by Kate Ashwin. © Kate Ashwin

Widdershins by Kate Ashwin. © Kate Ashwin

The Leeds group of the international Laydeez Do Comics project are hosting a special showcase of comic creators on Monday 19th May, as part of the Yorkshire Festival 2014, the first ever Arts and Cultural Festival in the lead up the Tour de France. The Grand Départ 2014 starts in Yorkshire on the 5th July and the Yorkshire Festival runs for the 100 days up to the 6th July.

Guests at the event on Monday 19th May (venue details below) are Kate Ashwin, who returns to Laydeez to talk about recent work including her wonderful Widdershins web comic which she has been publishing online since 2011; writer and illustrator Darryl Cunningham, talking about his forthcoming book, Supercrash: Ayn Rand and the New Right (to be published by Myriad Editions); and cartoonist and illustrator Jacky Fleming who is renowned for her feminist cartoons, which reached women around the world on postcards,who will be talking about her work from the first book, Be A Bloody Train Driver, published by Penguin way back in 1991, to new current works.

• Laydeez Do Comics: Leeds meetings are held bi-monthly on Mondays – no need to book. Future 2014 Leeds dates are 21 July; 29 September;  and 17th November (the Monday directly after Thought Bubble). All events take place at  6.30-9.30pm, Wharf Chambers, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds LS2 7EQ price £1.50 (donation) and are run by Louise Crosby. Contact: laydeezdocomicsleeds@gmail.com

• Laydeez Do Comics Main Site: www.laydeezdocomics.com

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