launches its first International Comic & Graphic Novel Contest LogoThe editorial team at Madrid-based, a crowdfunding platform to publish books, has announced its first International Comic & Graphic Novel Contest, open to creators across the European Union. comprises a team of passionate readers working from Madrid, Berlin and Rovaniemi in Finland, which has successfully published 15 books in Spanish since its launch last year, thanks to the support of hundreds of backers. Suitably enthused, the team decided to open their crowdfunding platform to the rest of the world.

Participants in the competition must be legal residents of a European Union country, age 18 or over and are able to participate either on their own or within a group under the same Work.

There’s no theme to the competition, but your work has to be submitted in English or Spanish – and you will retain all rights to any work presented.

The contest will take place in two phases: Phase One runs until14th July 2013, when participants need to send a sample of the work with a maximum of  one to four pages in the format requested in the full guidelines on the libros web site. The Jury will choose the three works which will continue to the next phase.

The Jury (all prominent personalities among both comic and editorial sectors) comprises comic writer Eduardo Pelegrín (best known as Calpurnio), comic critic Juan Royo,, Esmeralda Vicente from Asgard Cómics, Raúl Gil, from La Rayuela (Berlin), Alberto González Vázquez (@QueridoAntonio), writer David Reche (@Rechespada‎), Justo Hidalgo, from the 24symbols ebook platform and Matthew Bostock, from the Readmill ebook platform.

Phase Two, between 29th July to 1st September will see the three selected works  start a crowdfunding process through the platform. Every candidate will need to get at least 75 supports to access one of the prizes specified and the work with the highest number of supports will get the first prize.

During this phase, authors will have to send the complete Work (maximum length of 100 pages) to

The first prize in this competition is €500 and the publication of the completed work, plus presentation in bookstores.

The works that succeed with the crowdfunding campaign will be published by, who will be responsible for the production and edition of the Works, and all authors will sign a contract for two years and extendable for more, for a 10% of the right shares. will exclusively manage all the rights of the Work in all countries and all languages, together with ritghs for the edition in all the media.

• See this web page – – for full rules and artwork format details. The work must be sent during the Phase 1 to by 14th July 2013


Categories: Comics Competitions, Creating Comics

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