New Comics Anthology, MC², Launches

MC² - Cover(With thanks to Matthew Badham and Joe Gordon at FPI): MC², a new comics anthology, was launched in November and it’s something that was on my radar to plug but I’ve just been reminded about it thanks to number of related e-mails.

The brainchild of the Midlands Comics Collective, “a group of aspiring artists, writers and other such deviants based in and around Birmingham UK, all of whom are aiming to break into the comics industry – by force if necessary”, the anthology was edited by cartoonists Laura Howell and Hunt Emerson – the latter a cartoonist who’s lived and worked in Birmingham since the 1970s when he was part of the Birmingham Arts Lab.

Laura Howell is working with Hunt on the Beano at present and is doing a Strip-a-Day Spectacular throughout January, all of them quite different from each other, and look really impressively diverse.

 MC² can be ordered from, Waterstones, Thing from Another World and Forbidden Planet International.

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