New “Eagle Times” tracks down New Eagle’s “Data File” artist, Lionel Jeans

Eagle Times Volume 31 Number 4 - CoverThe new Eagle Times– Winter 2018 Vol. 31, Number 4 -is now available and is packed with some entertaining material on both the original and 1980s Eagle comics – including two great items on the “Data Files” cutaways that ran in the latter, by Jeremy Briggs.

Jeremy interviews cutaway artist Lionel Jeans about his work – and it’s a great read, the more so because he has never been interviewed about his Eagle work before.

Eagle Times Volume 31 Number 4 - Data Files

Eagle Times Volume 31 Number 4 - Lionel Jeans

There are contributions too, from another downthetubes stalwart, Steve Winders –  a great item on the original Eagle strip “Alfred the Great“, and the second part of his detective story, “The Case of the Vanishing Police Box”.

Given the astonishing amount of articles, interviews and books about Eagle comic down the years, it’s no wonder the Eagle Society‘s much respected magazine took the decision to widen its coverage of British comics in general, although of course conscious that its many readers would want Eagle to remain the main focus of the publication. They’re doing a great job, in my view.

If you’re a member of the Society, then you’re also entitled to take part in their events and this issue has news of a smashing trip to Dundee planned in the New Year that I’m sure will be of interest to many British comic fans.


  • “Dundee Folk” by Eric Summers
    An article about the location of the next EAGLE Gathering
  • EAGLE’S Data Files by Jeremy Briggs
    A piece on the new EAGLE’s version of the famous Cutaway Drawings
  • Drawing the Data Files
    An interview with artist Lionel Jeans by Jeremy Briggs
  • “Alfred the Great”
    Part Two of Steve Winders’ examination of this strip from 1953 -54
  • “The Ghosts of Christmas Crossovers” by Jim Duckett
    A look at crossovers in and out of EAGLE
  • “Charles Chilton and the Indian Wars”
    Part Three of David Britton’s examination of the wars with the Sioux and Cheyenne in the 1876 campaign in Montana and South Dakota and how they were covered in EAGLE’s “Riders of the Range” strip
  • Frank Hampson Centenary Exhibition
    David Britton’s report on the launch of the exhibition at the Atkinson Arts Centre, Southport (don’t forget we have a review of the exhibition ourselves here)
  • “Space Fiction Movies in EAGLE’s Times”
    The eighth and final part of Will Grenham’s series on science fiction films
  • “The Case of the Vanishing Police Box”
    Part Two of Steve Winders’ story about the former PC49, who is now a plain clothes detective

• Membership of THE EAGLE SOCIETY is via Annual Subscription to EAGLE TIMES magazine, which is published four times annually. The Subscription rate for 2019 has been frozen at the 2018 rate: UK £29 | Overseas £40 (in £s Sterling, please). Postal applications to Eagle Society Membership Secretary Bob Corn, Wellcroft Cottage, Wellcroft, Ivinghoe, Bucks LU7 9EF. If you wish to pay by Paypal (from your Paypal account to the eagle-times hotmail address given below) – the Society request that you make your payment as a GIFT).

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