Tank Museum to host Charley’s War exhibition

Pat Mills at Raptus, 2003Charley’s War creator Pat Mills will be appearing at an event celebrating the critically-acclaimed Battle Picture Weekly strip at Britain’s Tank Museum in October.
The event ties in with a planned exhibition of Charley’s War art which is being loaned to the Museum by artist Joe Colquhoun’s family.

The tank was a British invention that changed warfare forever when it was introduced in World War One – and the Tank Museum in Bovington, Dorset, has been the home of the tank ever since. From the Somme to Tiananmen Square or D-Day to Desert Storm the tank has played a part in shaping history – both good and bad – and it continues to do so today.

The Tank Museum is the only place where many of these rare and historic vehicles can be seen. Fresh from a £16 million investment in new exhibitions and facilities, with almost 200 vehicles on display in six large halls, you will come face-to-face with tanks that have seen action in all the major wars of the 20th century.

• The Tank Museum Bovington, Dorset, BH20 6JG. Telephone: 0929 405096. Full details of the event are not yet available, but the talk will take place on 22nd October and you can check the Museum’s events diary here for updates

Categories: British Comics, Charley's War, downthetubes Comics News, Events, Exhibitions

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