There’s no stopping Aces Weekly – not even the holidays!

There’s a new volume of David Lloyd’s brilliant digital Aces Weekly anthology available now – head to the official site now to subscribe!

“Kilgore Nursing Home” by Scott Shaw makes its debut in Aces Weekly Volume 66

A mountain of demands on my day mean I can’t tailor this item in my usual style, so instead, I’m handing this post straight over to a probably now breathless David Lloyd himself, to tell you why you should subscribe to Aces Weekly, and share some teasers from the strips this Volume will feature…

“Friends, it’s not often I start shouting about a new volume of our Aces Weekly by trying to wake people up to us as the first move, but I’ve been aware of some agonising in the comics biz recently on the future of our fabulous art form in the traditional print world, and though I support and honour – and benefit from – all those who work in that area, I feel it urges me to state clearly again the case for the multi-faceted value of non-print production of comics that I have been happily engaged with producing for our smart readers for some time, and which are mostly ignored by those who supposedly champion comics per se and who, I presume, would not want to be seen as being prejudiced towards comics storytelling as in a ‘thing’ alone.

Sarajevo 1992 by Rodolfo Santullo and Gonzalo Martinez

“And now, let me introduce you to the fabulous world of the currently-running, Aces Weekly Volume 66, which is the usual superb mix for the elite and economically-sharp aficionados that we supply on an ongoing subscription basis of just £1 per week, in any currency, which acquires online volumes of up to 150 pages, including Extras, delivered directly to any subscriber’s screens in seven parts for seven weeks, in a mix of original serials and shorts from great creators from across the planet, and including, this time, the superior US cartoonist, Scott Shaw! with a terrific satire on home nursing; the inimitable, Chris Geary, on the next episode of “Serraq”; the excellent team of Andrew Cheverton and Tim Keable on a deep exploration of someone looking for his place in the world in The Whale House; a view from a war gone by that’s still grimly looks ready to return, from Rodolfo Santullo and Gonzalo Martinez; the total nuttiness of a Rock Star in Space called Mr Custa that you will have to see to believe from people who should be ashamed to be involved in it, but who include, Philip Alan Whitmore; and Pablo Barbieri Guionista and Jorge Luis Gabotto have a romance to relate that takes place during the death and destruction of an Empire’s last days; plus, David Leach is coming back with that one special senior citizen we all know of who will always represent us in our collective need for justice in an inefficient but hard-working legal process… Psycho Gran!

Mr Custa by Phil Whitmore, Bambos Georgiou and Mychailo Kazybrid
The Whale House by Andrew Cheverton and Tim Keable
Nyara by Pablo Barbieri and Jorge Luis Gabotto
Serraq by Chris Geary

“Join us, please. It really is the best place to be if it happens to be the case that some part of you wants to try to change the way that the terrific and underrated world of comics grows to be what it should be and not what it must be in to languish unchanged.

We’re at and we’re ready to welcome you!”

Categories: British Comics, Comics, Digital Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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