During our interview earlier in the week with writer/artist Jessica Martin, she mentioned that she is involved with a new Great War anthology graphic novel entitled To Arms!
This is planned as an 80+ page hardback anthology with stories based in and around the First World War. It is the edited by Matthew Duncan and produced and co-ordinated by Karim Iskander Flint, and originates from the Process Comics group that meet at the Gosh comic shop in London.
Behind a cover by Tim Hassan, To Arms! boasts stories by Matt Boyer, Francesca Dare, Matthew Duncan, Karim Iskander Flint, Nick Jobbings, Michael Lightfoot, Jessica, Keith McDougall, Mike Medaglia, Jess Milton, Owen Pomeroy, Alex Potts, Sajan Rai, Milo Shore and Daniel de Sosa.
The anthology will also feature an interview with Charley’s War writer Pat Mills and you can read an excerpt from this on the project’s IndieGoGo page.
This new anthology is being funded via the IndieGoGo crowdfunding site and is almost three-quarters of the way to its £2000 target with two weeks left to run. The IndieGoGo proposal describes the book as one “that blends both humour and heroism, reality and the surreal, into a unique experience you won’t get anywhere else.”
• There are more details of To Arms! on their IndieGoGo site and on the To Arms! Facebook page.
News, reviews, interviews and features for print and on-line: Spaceship Away (since October 2005), Bear Alley (since February 2007), downthetubes (since June 2007), and Eagle Times (since October 2008). Plus DC Thomson’s The Art Of Ian Kennedy, Titan’s Dan Dare and Johnny Red reprints, Ilex’s War Comics: A Graphic History and 500 Essential Graphic Novels, and Print Media’s The Iron Moon and Strip magazine.
Categories: British Comics, Crowd Funding Projects, Site Announcements