Scorching 2000AD summer Sci-Fi special screaming your way this week

2000AD Sci-Fi Special 2024 - cover by Mike Perkins

The heat is on, if only on your newsagent or comic shop shelves! Alongside the regular edition of The Galaxy’s Greatest Comic, Prog 2389, look out for the 2000AD summer special – er, 2000AD Sci-Fi Special – is heading your way this Wednesday, with a eye-searing cover from Mike Perkins.

This all-new Sci-Fi Special comes beamed from an alternate dimension – one in which familiar characters from the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic have been given a different twist. The Thrill-powered characters you thought you knew have been amalgamated into one other in strange and unpredictable ways, creating an all new version of the Galaxy’s Greatest.

In this sideways universe there is only one person who has the strength to enforce the law in Mega-City One… and he’s a high-powered mutant! With eyes which can emit piercing Alpha waves, Judge Alpha makes sure that nobody messes with the Justice Department!

When robots go rogue and start causing chaos in the neighbourhood, who’re you gonna call? Sinister and Dexter, of course, the Robo-Sharks! Hired to track down and terminate troublesome droids, this pair of robo… hunters? never miss their targets! 

The Search/Destroy Agency have a number of highly-trained bounty hunters on their intergalactic roster: but none were as skilled as Friday! Framed for a crime he didn’t commit, this Rogue/Dog is now being hunted by his fellow bounty hunters!

Ahoy! When you’re out on the wild seas of the world, flag flying in the wind and your team of scurvy dogs on deck, no bounty goes unclaimed! But the Red Wench’s captain is a rather strange chap: who is Stickleback?

And if you’re a fan of high-octane thrill-sports, there’s only one place to enjoy extreme and enervating combat! The most violent sport of the future features undead, flesh-eating teams… welcome The Harlem Zombos to 2000AD!

2000AD Sci-Fi Special 2024
UK and DIGITAL: 3 July £4.99, 52 Pages
NORTH AMERICA: 7 August $9.50

JUDGE ALPHA – PORTRAIT OF A MUTANT by Karl Stock (Writer) Ben Willsher (Artist) Annie Parkhouse (Letterer)

Mega-City One, 2146 AD. Home to over 200 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America, with the irradiated wasteland known as the Cursed Earth to the west. Crime is rampant and only the zero-tolerance Judges can stop total anarchy. Toughest of these future cop is JUDGE ALPHA, one of a group of mutants given Special Dispensation to wear the uniform — he is the Law!

2000AD Sci-Fi Special 2024 - Judge Alpha

ROBO-SHARKS by Dan Abnett (Writer) Anthony Williams (Artist) Jim Campbell (Letterer)
Ramone Dexter is a ROBO-SHARK in the future city of Downlode, where life can be short and the streets brutally violent. If a droid goes rogue or you need your personal robot found, then he and his mek-partner Finnigan are the team to call. It’s a dangerous job, and Ramone’s never far from trouble — and to make things worse, robots are seeking to disguise themselves amongst humanity…

ROGUE/DOG by James Peaty (Writer) Nicolo Assirelli (Artist) Jack Davies (Colourist) Simon Bowland (Letterer)

In the twenty-second century, an atomic war left many survivors mutated by the Strontium 90 fallout. These mutants were feared and despised by the ‘norms’ and became a marginalised underclass, forced to live in ghettos. The only job open to them is bounty hunting, and these Search/Destroy agents — or Strontium Dogs — are sanctioned by the Galactic Crime Commission to hunt the most lethal of criminals…

STICKLEBACK – SECRET HISTORIES by Ian Edginton (Writer) Paul McCaffrey (Artist) Annie Parkhouse (Letterer)

In the eighteenth century, pirates often prey upon merchant ships for their fat bounties. No terror of the seas is more feared than the ruthless STICKLEBACK, captain of The Red Wench. Together with his second-in-command Ampney Crucis, they prowl the southern seas looking for prey. But Stickleback is secretly looking for a particular treasure, one that will bring him unlimited power…

HARLEM ZOMBOS by Al Ewing (Writer) Boo Cook (Artist) Simon Bowland (Letterer)

Aeroball is one of the most popular sports of the future, a violent combination of basketball and American football, played at high speed with the teams strapped into powerful jetpacks. But when the ZOMBO squad take to the skies, you’re guaranteed even more carnage — under the management of ‘living brain’ Louis, they’re a force to be reckoned with…

Check out an interview with Al Ewing and Boo Cook on their undead future sport mashup on Games Radar

Available in print from: 2000AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond | Available in digital from: 2000AD webshop2000AD app for Apple & Android

2000AD Prog 2389
UK and DIGITAL: 3 July £3.60
NORTH AMERICA: 4 September

2000AD Prog 2389 Cover by Toby Willsmer

In this issue:

JUDGE DREDD – THE BAM-HUNTERS by Ken Niemand (Writer) Richard Elson (Artist) Annie Parkhouse (Letterer)

Mega-City One, 2146 AD. Home to over 200 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America, with the irradiated Cursed Earth to the west and the toxic Black Atlantic on the eastern side. Crime is rampant, and only future cops the Judges — empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law!

2000AD Prog 2389 - Judge Dredd

BRINK – CONSUMED by Dan Abnett (Writer) INJ Culbard (Artist) Simon Bowland (Letterer)

The late 21st century, and through environmental catastrophe and industrial overload Earth has been reduced to a wasteland. Mankind finally evacuated the planet in 2072 and millions were housed in a number of deep-space Habitats. But life on these cramped, overcrowded stations is tense, often spilling over into madness. Sects are rife, and Bridget Kurtis of the Habitat Security Division is investigating their reach…

ROGUE TROOPER – SOUTHER BELLE by Geoffrey D. Wessel (Writer) Dan Cornwell (Artist) Chris Blythe (Colourist) Jim Campbell (Letterer)

Nu Earth, site of a galactic war between the Norts and the Southers, where the atmosphere has been rendered poisonous. So the Southers created the Genetic Infantrymen, bred to be immune to the pollutants — G.I.s like ROGUE TROOPER, the last of his kind. Together with biochip buddies Helm, Gunnar and Bagman, they’re searching for the traitor that sold them out. Now, they’re seeking to save a G.I. ‘Doll’…

PROTEUS VEX – DEVIOUS by Mike Carroll (Writer) Jake Lynch (Artist) Jim Boswell (Colourist) Simon Bowland (Letterer)

The far future. The centuries-long war between the Alliance and the Obdurate people is over, a conflict ended when the Alliance teleported a dying white dwarf star into the Obdurate system. Imperium agent PROTEUS VEX — who is operated by a flesh-pilot — became an enemy of the Alliance when he released info about past war crimes. In the wake of the war with the Scorchers, Vex has been presumed dead, but he’s alive…

Available in print from: 2000AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond | Available in digital from: 2000AD webshop2000AD app for Apple & Android

Rogue Trooper: Blighty Valley
by Garth Ennis and Patrick Goddard
Scheduled for 2nd July 2024
Hardcover, 96 Pages
ISBN: 978-1837861958

Rogue Trooper: Blighty Valley

An all-new standalone Rogue Trooper graphic novel, written by Garth Ennis (The BoysPreacher), perfect for readers unfamiliar with the character and for old fans of Rogue Trooper’s classic adventures in 2000AD.

Nu Earth is the site of a galactic war between the Norts and the Southers, and the Genetic Infantrymen like Rogue Trooper have been created solely for this war. However, after the betrayal of the Traitor General Rogue is the last of his kind, and together with biochip buddies Helm, Gunnar and Bagman, they’re searching for the traitor that sold them out. 

But now the black hole above Nu-Earth causes a time-rift, and Rogue must team up with British soldiers from World War One to fight both the Hun and the Norts, fix the time barrier, and get back to his original mission. 

Garth Ennis writes this new, standalone Rogue Trooper adventure – melding together historical action with the sci-fi adventure that is the core of 2000AD – drawn by Patrick Goddard, who brings the character back in a style reminiscent of the classic Rogue Trooper artists.

Coming Soon from Rebellion…

• Steel Commando: No Time To Lose! – 17 July
• The Leopard from Lime Street: Birthright – 17 July
• The 2000AD Art of Steve Dillon Apex Edition – 17 July
• 2000AD versus Battle Action! – 17 July


• Lawless Book 5 – 1 August
• The Spider’s Syndicate of Crime vs The Crime Genie – 15 August


• Judge Dredd by Brian Bolland Masterpiece Edition – 12 September
• Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files Volume 45 – 12 September
• The Definitive Nemesis The Warlock Volume 2 – 25 September

Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, Comic Previews, Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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